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//Hope you like this first chapter: :) If you understand the little Harry Potter reference, than comment, and we can be great friends//

"Good luck sweetie." My mom tells me from the front seat.

"-Not that you'll need it, son" my dad adds to calm my nerves. "I know they'll accept you, and before you know it, you will be a proud member of The Shrekettes."

"Uh- thanks" I stutter

I've never been more nervous in my life. I was always scared of turning 13, but now that I think of it, it isn't all that bad. In The Community, it was known that as soon as you turn 13 you become an adult, and have to choose 1 out of 100 different Worship Groups that you can be a part of. 50 of them are soft core- no application or interview, and only minor worshipping sessions once a week. Most of the soft core groups were religious cults. 25 cults are medium core- some require an application to join, and worshipping sessions occur 2-4 times a week. The last 25 Worship Groups to choose from are of course, hard core. The hard core Worship Groups require an application, and then an interview to join. 5 mandatory worshipping sessions take place, along with 5 extra sessions if you choose to be a Supreme Member of your cult. If you display enough love for your cult group, you get chosen to be one of the ten Supreme Members.

I'm on my way to get interviewed by the Top Shrek. She is the leader of the cult I want to join- hard core. This cult group is new, and all the kids that go to my school want to join either The Shrekettes (Shrek worshippers) or The Saucers (5 Seconds of summer- 5sos- worshippers). I have always been a fan of Shrek. If I am able to become a part of The Shrekettes, my life will be complete. If not, I have promised to end my life while watching Shrek in my room, blade pressed vertically up my wrist.

My life is in The Shrekettes' hands now.

I try to remember the dream I had the previous night. All I remember is a flash of green light, and then nothing. I get torn away from my thoughts when my mom nudges my leg.

"Jeff! Stop day dreaming! We're here, darling." She says

Before I can think of a response, I open the sliding door, and jump out of the car onto the curb. I'm wearing my Sunday attire, along with my formal shoes, so I try my hardest not to step in any animal droppings or mud. My parents wave me goodbye, and blow me kisses.

Beads of sweat form on my forehead as I take in my surroumdings. Four mustard yellow walls surround me- no windows or picture frames, only walls. The floor is solid concrete, and mint green arrows lead towards a door with a label on it. It reads, 'Interview Room'. The lady that sits in an office enclosed with glass gestures me over. She has very little gray hair, green eyes, and a warm smile.

"Welcome dear. I'm guessing you're here to get interviewed?" I hear her voice through a speaker installed on the glass.

"Y-Yes ma'am." I stutter

She chuckles "Oh, don't be nervous sweetie. I'll admit this is one of the trickiest Worship Groups to get accepted into, but if you don't get let in, what's the worst that can happen?" She pauses "I'm sure there are plenty of other groups you might want to join, right?"

"No" I frown "This is the only group for me" I probably shouldn't tell her that I'll end my life if I don't get accepted-this is much too important to me. "I just don't want to be in any other group, is all" I explain, and try to soften the harsh tone I had from before "You get where I'm coming from, yes ma'am?"

"I guess so" she says "It's just the script- I say that to all the New Adults that come here. Technically you're still a child until you become a part of a Worship Group" she pauses "It states exactly that in Rule 46."

"Yeah, I guess it does"

The Rules are imprinted on every single Family Home in The Community- there were 281 rules- 200 to be followed only by Adults, and 81 to be followed only by Children- listed in order of importance. Rule 46 explains that Adults that weren't a part of a Worship Group, are considered New Adults, and still have to obey the Rules of Children, and fulfill the Responsibilities of Children. If any New Adult was to fulfill a Responsibility of an Adult, they would get chastised- what happens to you if you break a Rule. Three chastisements means you get banished from The Community. If you break some of the smaller rules, it usually goes un noticed.

"So what's your name, darling?"

"My name's Jeff." I respond

She punches things into the computer in front of her, and smiles at me moments later.

"The Top Shrek will see you in 15 minutes, Jeff. You can have a seat while you wait." She says

"Thank you, ma'am." I stride off, and sit down on a gray chair that hurts my behind.

About five minutes of patiently waiting later, a guy that looks about my age with bright blue eyes and long, wavy brown hair meets the nice lady at the desk, and takes a seat next to me.

"Hey" he says- his voice is deep. Deeper than it should be for his age.

"Hello" I respond

"So you're gonna try for the The Shrekettes, huh?" he asks

"Yes, are you?" I ask him

"I'm already a part of The Shrekettes. Have been for two years now. I'm an Adult of 15." He says

"So then, why are you waiting here?" I ask

"I'm getting interviewed to become a Supreme"

"Oh, good luck with that." I smile. He seems too cocky for my liking, but I might as well try to make friends with the people who could potentially be my cult members.

I offer him my hand "My name's Jeff"

"I'm Chandler" he grabs a firm hold of my hand, and shakes it.

Exactly ten minutes later, the speaker on the glass announces that I may be interviewed by the Top Shrek now. Chandler offers me a smile, and wishes me good luck, and I walk through the room which the fate of future will be decided in.

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