Chapter 2

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The guy comes back. I try moving a bit, and I do manage to move since the ice is melting.

The ice melts completely. The guy ties my hands behind my back. I grumble "I'm just looking for the Avatar, you don't have to keep me prisoner!"

"You'll tell the rest of the Fire Nation to attack us! We can't let you go!"

The kid asks "Can we make a prison for him?"

The guy nods. "Get the others. Katara, keep an eye on him."

I grumble. I hope Uncle comes here soon to look for me.

Katara freezes my feet to the ground so I can't run. I grumble more and sit in the snow, doing my best to keep myself warm.

I can see the kids and the guy building a snow hut.

I grumble more. Uncle, please get here soon.


They finished the snow hut, which I'm now sitting in. They put a pelt in here for me to lay on, so it's not the worst situation to be stuck in, but I'd rather be looking for the Avatar.

The guy, Sokka, is guarding the front. They used large icicles to make bars.

I'm laying on the pelt. My hands are still tied together.

How long is Uncle going to take?? Is he busy having tea with the whole crew??


Actually, he probably is. They love his tea and he loves to make it.

The sun is starting to go down.

I stare at the ceiling. It feels a little strange to not feel the rocking of the ship. Even when we're docked, I sleep on the ship. It's always rocking slightly in the waves.

Trying to sleep on something stable is weird.

I just continue to stare at the ceiling.

I watch as the ceiling gets darker as the sun sets.

I can't sleep. I hear Sokka snoring.

I sigh. Tonight is going to be a long night.

*+*The next morning*+*

I sit up. I did eventually fall asleep, but I know I didn't get much.

Sokka's still snoring.

The kids start running around. One flops on Sokka's lap. "SOKKA! WAKE UP!"

Sokka jumps up and looks around "What? Huh?? Where's the danger?!"

I keep myself from chuckling.

Sokka calms down. I ask "Can I go? I need to find the Avatar."

"You're a prisoner. You can't go."

I lean against the wall and grumble. "Can I at least have warmer clothes?"

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