"In my defense it's not everyday you wake up in a metal box with not but a name, and being the only the only girl with like 40 boys," I say.

"You didn't need to chuck the bloody things," he chuckles.

I shrug, "Well, I did."

"You know, tomorrow you're going to see which job to take," Newt says.

"Technically I haven't had the tour," I say.

"Oh right, I'll talk to Alby about it tomorrow." Newt stands up and stretches his arms above his head.

"I'm going to bed. Comin'," he asks.

" Maybe a little later," I say. He waves bye and walks away over to his room.

I stare at the stars in the sky once again. Slowly my eyes get heavier and heavier. Again consumed by darkness of night.


I see two kids working in a lab of sorts. A girl and a boy. The girl has short curly brown hair. The boy has black hair. Working on a little project.

"Screwdriver," The girl asks holding out her hand to the boy.

"Screwdriver," The boy answers and puts a screwdriver in her hand. She tightens a screw on the little metal piece.

"Adhesive," She hold out her hand.

"Adhesive," The boy slaps a jar into her hand. She unscrews the jar and stick her pinky finger in the container full of goop. The boy flips the gumdrop looking metal piece upside down. She rubs the goop on the back of it.

A knock on the door distracts them from their work. Their heads look up towards the door. A middle aged man with a beard and goatee thing on his face leans against the doorframe.

"What are you kids working on," He asks.


"I'm not sure about this," I hear someone say. My eyes shut. What was that dream about?

"Sh, come on don't back out now Chuck," someone with a British accent says, Newt.

"Come on," I hear another voice, Minho.

"If anything is broken, you're cleaning it up," I hear Alby say.

"On three..."



"Thr-" I go into superspeed mode and open my eyes. I stand up.

I'm welcomed by the fresh morning air. I look at everyone.

Alby very slowly walking away. Chuck backing away...slowly. And Newt with a bucket of water lifting it up with the help of Minho.

Nope not on my watch. I grab the bucket from their grasp and put it upside down above their heads and return to normal speed.

Water drenches all three of them. They all look at me in disbelief.

"Yeah, next time...think before trying to rudely wake me up," I say smirking crossing my arms.

Newt is soaked the most. He shakes himself like a dog getting most of the water off. I put my hands in front of me so I don't get wet. Minho leans over to Newt and whispers something.

"What are you talking about," I ask a little terrified. A smirk plays on both their faces.

I slowly step away to the left. They walk slowly over to me. Every step they take I walk farther away.

"Hey Ren," Newt says sweetly.

"What," I answer clearly worried.

"We just wanna give you a hug," Minho says.

"Aw hell no," I turn around and sprint out of the forest.

Their footsteps thud on the forest floor in the quiet morning. I race to the middle of the glade with no cover. Yep, smart.

I run back deep into forest. I run and hide behind a big tree. I hear crunching of leaves close by. I cover my mouth from laughing or screaming. I'm either 'scared' or having fun.

"Kathy," I hear Minho say in sing-song tune.

"Come out," I hear Newt. They're getting to close for comfort.

I use my super speed and climb up the tree fast. Hiding in the foliage. The crunching gets louder. I look at the floor of the forest and see them right underneath me.

"We know you're here," Minho says.

"Try finding me," I yell. They look everywhere.

"Greenie, come on out," I hear Newt say sweetly.

I could drop and land in between them and scare the heck out of them!

I jump down.

"BONSAI," I yell. I end up landing on top of them, causing them to fall to the floor in a dog pile manner.

"And this is one of the many reasons you don't wake me up," I say pushing myself up from them.

They both stand up covered in leaves and mud, smiles still on their faces. I take off sprinting once again. I weave through the trees and out into the glade. I run into the kitchen and see Frypan.

"Hide me," I whisper yell. He looks at me confused.

"Please," I beg. He rolls his eyes and leaves the stove to open a large empty cupboard.

"Thanks," I run into it and close the door. I curl up in a ball making myself as small as possible. I felt...safe. A hear a the door open.

"Ren,"I hear Minho say.

"We know you're here," Newt sings.


"Where is she," Minho asks.

"In the cupboard," Frypan answers.

"YOU ASSHOLE," I yell at Frypan.

My cupboard door is yanked wide open. Two smiling faces.

"Hi guys," I say weirdly with a little wave, "Strange meeting you here." I laugh awkwardly.

"Let's help you out," Newt says.

"I'm okay," I answer. They grab my hands and pull me out. They trap me in a sandwich of two boys. Covering me in mud and leaves.

"I hate you both,"I say through gritted teeth.

Wishes of a Teenage FangirlWhere stories live. Discover now