"A terrible mistake on my part." She felt herself being prodded and shifted before her head was resting on something soft.

"Sir, I have to sedative her to stop the twitching. I'll be able to help her better once she's in the infirmary," Madame Pomfrey said. Myra tried shaking her head but it didn't move. She hated feeling this helpless.

She felt her mouth being pried open and something drip twice on her tongue. The effect was immediate. Her eyes began to flutter close and she felt her body sag against the body holding her.


She woke up in the Hospital Wing with a curtain surrounding her. Myra's vision was better than before and she was able to prop herself up against the pillows.

The curtain shifted and she glanced at it as a small boy came through before closing it. When he turned around, she recognized who he was.

"Regulus," Her voice was hoarse and scratchy as she realized how thirsty she was, "What are you doing here? Does Madame Pomfrey know?" He shushed her and held out a box of chocolates.

"I wanted to give you this as a 'get well soon' present." He placed it on the table next to her.

"How long have I been here?" Her sense of time was entirely on its side.

"I don't know the date but I know that it's been about two days since you were here."


"Yeah. You were-sorry- are the talk of the school. Some people saw Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Madam Pomfrey rushing out of Dumbledore's office with you hovering next to them. They ran here and put you on a bed. Then someone drew the curtain around you to give you some privacy."

Myra didn't really know what to say to that. She knew what to expect when she got out. Whispers, side glances, blatant stares, sneers, rumors. She just needed to mentally prepare herself for it.

"Okay," She said simply, "Thank you." Regulus nodded. At that moment, they heard Madam Pomfrey bustling around in her office.

"You should go," Myra whispered. He nodded again before slipping back out of the curtains.


Myra was stuck in that bed for another two hours. She didn't think that it was that bad. She knew that after quidditch injuries, they (the injured) had to stay for four or more hours, resting up, taking potions, and Madam Pomfrey checking their condition. Of course, it's gotten a bit better now. Myra couldn't wait until this entire visit could have only taken a day.

When she got out, she was instructed to not push herself and rest up and take a potion for calming her nerves after every meal.

It was during the middle of the third period when she reached her dorm. She checked her schedule, grabbed her bag, and set off. She couldn't afford to miss any more days of school with the OWLs rapidly approaching.

As Myra dashed down the stairs of the dungeon, she couldn't help but think about what had happened leading up to her incident. Specifically, Dumbledore. He had been acting peculiar, not listening to her, basically insisting on her memories. She knew that Dumbledore had Leglimency, the ability to read one's mind. She wasn't sure if that extended to making her think in a specific way, but that's what it seemed like.

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