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Malia Rose
Wednesday, March 22
7:47 pm

It's almost 8 pm. Grayson and I have been on the phone all day. We've talked to our bosses about work, our siblings, and the staff of the resort.

Turns out we're both going to be working from home. At least we're not jobless and we'll still be making money.

"Yes mom, they don't worry okay, I'm here and I have a roomie," I say trying to reassure my mom as she panics through the phone.

"Oh is it that handsome man behind you?" She asks in a flirty tone.

Oh common mom

"Oh Hello Mrs. Davis," Grayson says leaning over me, waving to my mom.

"Hello..." she trails off not knowing his name

"Grayson" Gray and I say at the same time making us chuckle.

"Well, you two in a room together for months? That should be fun now huh?" She says wiggling her eyebrows making me roll my eyes and Grayson chuckle.

"Too bad she has a boyfriend right?" Grayson says and I punch him in his arm. He nudges me back teasingly.

"Oh good lord I forgot about him," she says pausing to roll her eyes.

"Sweetie he doesn't even treat you right, you could do so much better than him. Gosh, Grayson do you know how many times I've heard her crying at night because of him?" My mom says to Grayson making me roll my eyes once again.

"That's what I told her!" Grayson exclaims

Daniel's not a bad person, sometimes we just disagree sometimes or his actions aren't the greatest.

I zone out a bit while Grayson and my mom rant about my toxic love life.

"Wait Daniel and Rosemary are dating?" My dad says coming into view.

My dad's always called me Rosemary while everyone called me Mal or Malia. Grayson's the only one person who's ever called me Rose or Rosie.

"I thought you guys broke up hun, that asshole," my dad says making me furrow my eyebrows. Grayson looks and me wrapping his arm around my shoulders like he knows what's about to happen.

"Wait what do you mean? Why do you think we broke up?" I asked with caution present in my voice

"Oh Rosemary, I saw him with another girl today at the coffee shop. I thought it was his Sister or something but they looked a little... intimate," my dad says with sadness in his voice.

My heart drops but I'm somewhat not surprised. I look down and Grayson pulls me in further. He's cheated before, it's shouldn't be that much of a surprise.

"Haha wait till your brother finds out about this, Daniels face won't be so pretty anymore," my mom says with anger laced in her voice.

My whole family has always been overprotective of me considering I was the baby of the family. Everyone was 8 years or more older than me.

"There's no need for that okay? Don't say anything to him. Leave it to me" I say wiping the tears that were streaming down my face.

Ugh, this is so pathetic.

"I wish we were there for you hun, Grayson please take care of her," my mom says with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Davis, I'll take care of her, be safe guys," Grayson says waving at my parents before they ended the call.

"I love you, sweetheart, don't be sad, I didn't spend 9 months making your heart for it to be shattered by someone who didn't deserve it. He's not worth your tears and you can clearly do so much better especially since you have Grayson right beside you," she said winking making Grayson and I chuckle.

Stuck with you - g.d *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now