Mephilver: Not Another Fairytale

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   *NOT my art. Thank you~!*

"Sliver come down please!" a a young slivery female hedgehog shouted up the stairs to her son. Then to see a young teenaged, sliver, male hedgehog  run down the stairs. "Coming Mom!" he shouted while trying not slip.

Which unfortunately  he did. He fell down all the down the rest of the stairs occasionally going into the air.  He stopped in front of his mother, who just sweat dropped at her son's clumsiness. "Anyways a rich man is coming is coming over to see if your sister's want to marry him, and he's bringing his brother as well" She said firmly, while pointing one finger up to state she was making a fact.

Sliver understood what she wanted him to do, his family maybe poor, but he had an amazing fashion sense, all thanks to one of his friends, named Rouge. But unlike her he didn't really want a girlfriend or boyfriend. He happily skipped up the stairs.  He walked into his step-sister's room, and saw her putting her hair in a up-do, her classic ponytail. 

"Hey sis! Mom wants me to get you ready for when the prince shows up..." He stopped when realized his sister's frown. "I'm sorry, sis, but can you try? For mom?" He asked sadly. He wasn't going to make her ever since he found out Blaze was lesbian. She sighed but nodded. 

"Let's get this over with" she smiled while opening her closet, to revile what clothes she had. Sliver picked a white, grey, and black dress, that their mom bought before they became poor.

(Blaze's dress):

(Blaze's dress):

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*TIME SKIP: 6:30/Princes come*

"Welcome to our home my princes. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" Sliver's mom asked clearly nervous.  The dark hedgehogs looked around, the place was very neat and put together, though it wasn't much. "Thanks for greeting us, Miss" the red and black one said, while the other nodded. 

"Why you're welcome" she said happily closing the door behind the look-a-likes. "She's done~" Sliver said in a sing song voice while helping his sister down the stairs. "Hello" they bowed, only to be greeted by a bow back.

"Which one is supposed to-?'' Blaze asked before being cut of by the grey striped one, "I am" he said.  After a few hours they all got to know each other. Blaze wasn't into the grey striped prince named Mephiles, and Shadow, his brother just texted his boyfriend (Y'all know who that is right? Sonic. Okay back with the story). 

 Mephiles took a liking to Sliver though. "Hey, Sliver? Right?" he asked as Sliver nodded confirming he was right. "Well Sliver since my brother doesn't plan on being king, since his boyfriend is pregant, (That's right Sonic is Mpreg. Okay I'll stop interrupting), I have to get married and rule the kingdom. Though your sister is not the one...." he said.

   Sliver sighed in relief. Mephiles continued "I believe you are though." Sliver's face lit up with neon red blush. But before Mephiles could say anything Sliver gladly accepted to get married.

   "Uh Sliver I was just going to ask for a date." Mephiles said akwardly, not wanting to upset the shiny hedgie. "Oh okay, but getting married would have been cool" he said as his mom called both of them to living room. "We'll see" The grey  striped ebony chuckled. 

*MONTHS LATER (Sorry if feels rushed)*

"Sliver we have been together for almost a year" He began, while getting down on one knee. Looking at a happily crying sliver hedgehog. "I want to spend my life with you. We can rule the kingdom together. So, will you marry me?" he asked as he closed one eye afraid of rejection. 

Only to be greeted with a hug from the crying hedgie "Yes I will" he confirmed, as they hugged. After a while they stood up and Mephiles put the diamond ring on Sliver's finger. Perfect they both thought, as they heard clapping.

They turn around to see Sonic, Shadow, and baby Maria; Sonic and Shadow being the only ones clapping. "JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!" Sonic shouted while handing the baby to his husband. "WHY YOU!" Sliver shouted back annoyed and ran towards the blue one. 

Sonic ran away laughing while Sliver chased him. Leaving the two brother laughing as well. As for the baby, she found it most enjoyable. 


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