The Ultimate Rage of Some Guy...

Start from the beginning

     He snorted, and I saw Frank raise an eyebrow. "The croupier at the casino?! That sniveling heap of dung! I have never been more insulted in all my days in this country! First he seats me, a prince, at a poker table in the worst part of the room! Then he wouldn't let me keep my lucky dagger with me! He even refused to interrupt the game to fetch me another shrimp cocktail! Insolent wrench!"

     Frank suddenly spoke up. "So you threatened him because he treated you like a normal costumer? If anyone needs to get some manners, it's you!"

     I glared at Frank, but Faisal already heard him. "How dare you! I'll complain to your Commander! You will pay for that insult, believe me!"

     He stormed off, and I hissed, "FRANK. WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

     "What?" Frank responded. "I was only expressing my opinion!"

     "Well, yeah, sure, he may be an a**, but considering who he IS and what you said, we're gonna    get in trouble. I know it!"

     "Val, I never thought Paradise City would be full of gambling-obsessed, shallow, entitled losers!"

     "Never thought?!"

     Frank ignored me. "I thought everyone would be happy, but just look at our suspects... First there's Louis, who wanted to beat up the victim for helping the police send him to prison six years ago. Then there's Betty, who threatened to kill the victim when he tried to stop her from losing her money! But the biggest mystery of all is our victim himself! Was he a good guy, or a jewel thief! We still don't know what he was doing in that store!"

     I shrugged. "Robbing?"

     Just as I said that, Chief Marquez BARGED into the room, slamming the door. In turn, she scared the living S*** out of me. "Frank, I'm going to KILL you! What did you say to that Arab Sheikh?!"

     Frank held up his hands in defense. "I didn't say anything, ask Val!"

     "He says you insulted him!" She shouted. "And now he's challenged you to a game of poker at his hotel!"

     "What?! You can't be serious!" Frank and I yelled in unison.

     "I've never been more serious. If you lose, he's going to sue the force and get Valentina thrown out of Paradise City!" She continued.

     "What did I do?!" I piped up.

      Frank tried to object. "But, Andrea! He was being such an—"

     She cut him off. "I don't care! He's challenging you to a game of poker. If you win, he'll drop the charges. Ordinarily, I'd arrest the man for obstructing an investigation, but we've only just arrived here and can't afford to annoy powerful people. So you'd better win!"

     I even tried to get him out on his behalf. "You want him to play poker? I thought you said no gambling in Paradise City..."

     She shook her head. "Don't play smart with me, Val! Please, go with him! Help him win!"

     When we met the Sheikh in his hotel, he seemed more intimidating than when we first talked to him. He shook my hand (because he didn't want to shake poor Frank's) and said with a smile, "We meet again, Sergeant. Your partner will pay for insulting me!"

     Frank was definitely sweating, as he wiped his face with a nearby tea towel. "We're in the middle of a murder investigation, pal! We've got a killer to find, this is no time to play poker..."

     Faisal thought for a moment. "Well, to show I'm a good sport, maybe I could help you with your investigation. The deal is this: if I win, you leave Paradise City and I sue your police force! If you win... I'll give you a tip about your croupier's last moments. Do we have a deal?"

      I looked at Frank worriedly. Surprisingly, he seemed more upbeat now. "Deal! Don't worry, Val, no one's ever beaten me at poker... apart from my wife. But she didn't play fair!"

     One tense hour later, at the casino, I watched as Frank and the Sheikh played one of the most INTSENSE GAMES OF POKER I'VE EVER SEEN.

     I gulped as I watched Faisal pick up three cards. "I have you now, little police officer! I'll meet your bet."

     Frank also held three cards, but he didn't look as confident. "Um... I'll raise... You've not beaten me yet!"

     Just to be sure I didn't see the pain, I covered my eyes with my hands, leaving only a gap between two fingers to see.

     Faisal laughed and displayed his three cards. I winced as he chortled, "Cry, little man! Three kings!"

     Frank's expression dropped with shock. He looked down at his cards and looked up at the Sheikh. "What?! That's impossible! I mean the only hand that could possibly beat that is..."

     That was when he showed HIS three cards, and I just FELL OVER IN MY CHAIR. "Three aces! You lose, your Highness!"

     This time, the tables were turned. Faisal stared at him in shock as he looked down at his kings (which now seemed pretty puny) and said, "What?! No one is that lucky!"

     Frank helped me up as he laughed, "Sergeant Perez is, and it must've rubbed off! Now tell us what you know about the murder of Alfie McNaulty!"

     The Sheikh sank down in his chair as he muttered, "Fine. All night, the croupier was muttering to himself. Something about a jewelry store. It seemed important."

     Frank pumped his fist. "The jewelry store, again! Val, this store and its robbery must hold the key to this case! We should get back there as fast as we can!"

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