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I'm Melia, the oldest of the kid of this account.

I'm 18, I'm a adult now!

So uh, I'm on wattpad since like a long time but I didn't make book. Anyway, this account being completely changed cause my siblings are here with me now!

Well, they don't really have a choice.

Indigo is pretty shy and Elly is kinda grumpy but be kind with them please, they're cool too.

I want everyone to be happy and fine, even if I know that this is more complicated than that, where come the "utopian" Part in the title.

I'm the big sister type! I mean, I'm literally a big sister but... Oh, anyway, you'll understand.

I don't care if we know each other or even if we get along or not, I'll be here whenever you need help, to talk or whatever. My pm are open and I'm often the one on!

Ehe, I don't have much more to say and I don't know what you want to know so...

Aurevoir! Be happy ^-^

Utopian dreams in the hapiness Chamber - Melia BookWhere stories live. Discover now