Chapter 2

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well just to warn you that this chapter is going to be from the point of view of hanzo (or scorpion) because last night I was thinking about doing chapter 2 but the only idea I had was to do this chapter with hanzo :D

Hanzo POV

Since kenshi gave me takeda (sorry I don't know much about takeda's story) I started to feel less alone because I already lost a son and lost again..but I'm not sure if she still is alive,but I have hopes...sometimes I wanted to kill kotal kanh but I don't want to put my clan in it.

-hey master hasashi are you okay?

-Yes takeda,I'm fine.

-(he is not well,he is a little sad these days)

-I'm going to sleep,it's late


So I went to sleep to see if I forgot that a little.So there I went to sleep
I dreamed that there was a girl,she looked like mileena but she seemed to have fire powers, but I saw something behind her she looked like a yellow dung..she approached the girl and...AHE GOT HER HEART AND THE BRAIN AND TAKEN HAND AND EXPLODED?! (sorry for the part of the exploded it was a little pointless xd)
Then the girl's body fell to the floor and...I heard a voice saying:you failed daddy.
So I started to hear a lot of voices everywhere,I started freaking out because I didn't know what that was.
But then I woke up scared and crying...but I wiped my face so nobody would worry about me.

(Imagine him training the clan because I'm too lazy to do that)

Takeda POV (Sorry I don't know much about this pov business either xd)

I was outside talking to cassie,but I kept worrying about the hasashi master so I told cassie to wait a while to see if the hasashi master was okay.
When I arrived,I saw Master Hasashi crying a little.I wanted to ask him why he was crying but I don't think he would speak but I decided to ask.

-Master hasashi what do you hear?

-Is nothing.

-I KNOW YOU'RE NOT OK BECAUSE YOU NEVER WERE WITH- (in truth he was only with a little)



-Okay I'm going to talk. is that I have a daughter,she was not the first one I had (actually his first son was a man xd) But I'm afraid of losing another child because the last time I saw her when she was newborn AND I DON'T KNOW IF SHE IS ALIVE,IF IT'S OK,IF SHE ISN'T hurt...

-Look,I don't understand much about it but my father abandoned me,HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE WITH ME

-He cares but he had to leave you...


-*Hug* I can't say why he abandoned you,but someday you'll get along.

-*Hug* And I hope that someday you will find your daughter if she is alive.

So guys I think this is the first time that I write that much qwq

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