Chapter 6 alone

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-y/n's POV-
Every day with Kenneth seemed to dawn on his mental health more and more as he struggled to even sleep without having flashbacks of the war it broke my heart to see him that way, but I can't imagine what it be like for him.

The sun peeked threw my window making me flutter open my eyes I turned over my bed yawning slightly making my eyes water a little. I slowly flutter my eyes open to see my lovely husband sleeping by my side, i cupped Kenneth's cheek with one of my hands stroking his cheek slightly with my thumb. This made him slowly start to open his eyes placing a hand on mine that was cupping his cheek leaning forward and giving a quick peek on his cheek.
Kenneth softly smiled leaning forward and wrapping his strong arms around my waist making me lean my head on his chest i looked up to Kenneth with a warm smile.

-Kenneth's POV-
Y/n looked up at me with a warm smile I could feel my cheeks heat up. Y/n made me feel like I was everything just like our wedding day.

-3rd person-
Kenneth leaned toward y/n their faces only inches apart y/n's face grew more and more red as did their faces get closer. Kenneth cupped y/n's cheek, placing a soft kiss on her lips which slowly turned into a passionate kiss. After a few minutes the two stopped kissing for air.y/n took a sharp breathe in and slowly got out of Kenneth's grasp.

( just some sample ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

-time skip-

Kenneth wanted more, he felt that him and his wife hadn't been as connected as he wished they were. But could you blame him? There were so many rules on dating it made his head spin, they weren't even allowed to give a quick kiss on the cheek without given a few stern and disapproving glares from others. It felt like it was a primal urge to pounce on y/n and pin her down on the bed like a cat. ( see what I did there? Cuz his a demon cat when he dies... ok imma stop talking now ) But he tried to push those feelings deep down inside him. He wasn't sure how his wife would feel about this would she think little of him for feeling this way?

Kenneth sighed knowing he'd get no where with his wife if he kept thinking this way and decided to do something productive today to get his mind off it. Y/n had already gotten out of bed and dressed for the day ahead of her, Kenneth on the other hand couldn't get up. It's not that he didn't want to, nothing else would make him more happy then to get out of bed and spend the day with his lovely wife but... he couldn't get out of bed but why? He heard a small creek from the bedroom door followed by soft sounding footsteps walking to the bed, he felt the end of the bed slightly slump down as if someone sat there. Curiosity killed the cat ( see what I did their? He he he ) making him roll to the side of the bed to see who it was. There sitting on the end of the bed looking at Kenneth was his glorious and beautiful wife y/n giving Kenneth a weak and sympathetic look tears swelled her eyes, she sharply turned her head the opposite way as if she was ashamed of Kenneth seeing her cry.

No doubt he had seen her cry before but she knew if Kenneth saw her crying it only making it worse for both of them, luckily for y/n Kenneth had dazed off again not noticed the tears that swelled in her eyes. Y/n quietly walked over to Kenneth leaning down and kissing him in the forehead, carefully moving a strain of hair from his face and with that she slowly left their bedroom careful with each step as she did not wish to disturb her husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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