Excuse me-Kaiisyourhomie x Reader

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I HATE TRUMP FUCK 12... tweeted
No one:
People with light eyes: yeah the colour...

Y/N clicked on the tweet and furrowed her brows, curious as to what the tweet said. Y/N was sat outside on the doorstep smoking as Kai sat inside on the couch. Everyone was just relaxing at the house, Y/N, Kai, Damiar and Cap. Y/N's eyes scan over the tweet and she finished her cigarette before chucking it into the bucket and walking inside. "Kai!" She called out and Kai turned around with an innocent look with a cheeky smile on his face, knowing what was coming.

"You've seen my eyes change colour! You've even said multiple times that my eyes have changed colour." Y/N poured and Kai knelt up over the back of the couch.
"I knowwww." He dragged out. "I just wanted to see how you'd react. I was being sarcastic don't get to butthurt baby there's no need."
"I feel like you just ruined my entire existence. You just like destroyed the only special thing about me I hate you."
"Excuse me what did you just say?" Kai raised an eyebrow.
"I... hate you?" Y/N mumbled and Kai shook his head.

"What did you say before that?"
"You destroyed the only special thing about m-"
"What do you mean wrong?" Y/N laughed and Kai jumped over the back of the couch.
"That's not the only special thing about you. Everything about you is special." It was Kai's turn to pout now and Y/N shook her head.
"Don't use my own words against me that's mean."
"How is it mean? I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine.
"That's not fairrr! Stop being mean, meanie."
"What can I do do you forgive me?"

Kai thought for a minute and a cheeky smile grew on his face once again. "Make a video with me? Pleaseeee?"
"I look a state." Y/N commented and Kai sighed, kissing her passionately.
"You look beautiful, come on." He dragged Y/N to the space area and then found a sound. After a couple of minutes, he listened to the first few seconds and then clicked it, setting it up.
"What are we doing? You didn't let me hear."
"It's a put your fingers down challenge."
"I thought you hated them?"
"I do, but this one is an exception.

Kai was wearing a loose checkered button-up shirt tucked into some black jeans decorated with chains. Y/N however, was wearing one of Kai's oversized shirts and some sports leggings with some fluffy socks. She quickly got a drink but Kai started the video, so Kai called her over and she skidded over to him, having to be caught as she nearly slipped with the fluffy socks.
"Put your finger down, relationship edition. Put your finger down if you're in a relationship with someone who you've seen ill. Put a finger down if you're with someone who you've seen sweaty. Put a finger down if you're with someone you've seen crying and laughing. Put a finger down if you're in a relationship with your best friend. Put a finger down if you appreciate who they are and think they shouldn't change. Put a finger down if you want to be with them forever. Put a finger down if you think they're beautiful or handsome. Put a finger down if you've slept with them. Put a finger down if you're friends love them. And finally, put a finger down if this is your first video with them and you're proud to show them to your audience. Now show that son of a bitch some love."

Kai turned to Y/N and cupped her face, kissing her. He picked her up and then put her down before hugging her tightly. "I love you so much." Kai said and Y/N smiled softly.
"I love you too baby." Y/N said and kissed Kai. He then checked the video and hugged Y/N.
"Thankyouuuu! I've been waiting to do that so long."
"You're welcome." Y/N laughed and shook her head happily.

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