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The moon climbed over the mountain peak on the horizon. The trees swayed in the slight breeze that rippled the river. The howl echoed in the distance splintered the silence of the night. "Charge!" Snarls of triumph erupted from the shadows as black-like figures emerged. Their eyes all blood red, or a sunset orange. Some were black as night... These shadow creatures forced fear into those who were normal. Hera felt her muscles tense when she saw them attack their own family. Bloodthirsty, and ready for a battle to serve him. Hypnotized by his magic.

"Hera, don't just stand there, our creations have lost their minds!" A male voice growled. Hera stared at the black lynx who had spoken, tears running down her eyes.

"We have to do something, we can't fight them! They are our people, they are our creations! Can't we give these creatures another chance?!" Hera whined. The snarls and growls got louder now.

"She's right, this is our land, and these are our people. We already used up the stones' energy, we have no choice but to fight,'' A white she-lynx growled. The black lynx looked downward and sighed. Hera ignored his sympathetic gaze. Her heart flashed with hope, hope that these creatures would understand what that twisted half breed had done to them.

She turned and met the approaching shadow figures, taking in a deep breath before plunging down from the ledge she and the Ancients were among. Claws raked her pelt, but she didn't fight back. She wouldn't hurt another creature she created, she wanted their corrupt leader. She ran faster as the other Ancients fought off the shadow-figures, much to her disliking. Finally, she stopped. Her eyes narrowed as she gripped her gleaming white claws into the ground.

"Hera... Do you really think they'd serve you? Do you think they were ever happy living in this shattered world of chaos and peace?" The tod growled, his olive-green eyes met hers. Hera didn't let the glare back her down, she locked her eyes onto him and took a step forward. Then turned to the army of demented animals.

"I do not intend to have them serve me! Call off your forces! We're all friends, they'll get injured and die, please Dusty..." Hera pleaded. She saw Dusty laugh as he looked at her.

"Oh Hera, do you really think I care if they die or not?" Dusty growled. "This world was never meant to be perfect, even Star knew that, but here you are, trying to create nothing but peace!" He snarled, digging his paw at the ground. "Oh CloudFox, our world isn't perfect, it never was or will be!" He snapped with a snarky tone. Hera shocked looked at him. Her gaze dropped as she felt her heart twist. She shook her head and met his gaze, her eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

"No Dusty, you're wrong. I CloudFox, leader of the Ancients, strip you of your powers and rank as BlazeFox! Star said there wasn't peace, but that's because she lost her powers and left it to us to balance the world, and yet here you are, corrupting it!" With that, Hera lunged forward with a snarl. Shocked, Dusty whirled sideways making her land in a bramble. Retreating out she met his gaze. She could see him weakening, but yet growing stronger.

"Really? You think making me a normal creature will help you?!" Dusty laughed leaping on top of Hera. Hera yelped as she looked at him. "I am one of the chosen Ancients by Star herself, I will never  be normal!" He snarled.

"You have nothing but hate in you! All you want is power and I know that for a fact. No wonder you never helped us create peace in our world! All you ever did was slunk in the shadows, watching! You denied every piece of knowledge Star and Aster told you!" Hera growled kicking him off of her. She raked her claws across his face leaving bleeding claw marks. That didn't stop Dusty though he lunged forward, pinning her down. He started to bite down into her neck when Hera looked up. Her faint blue eyes were with relief as she saw the black male pull Dusty off. The other white lynx helped her up to the other Ancient.

"You've been defeated Dusty, give in!" The white female spat. She stepped forward, her eyes narrowed. Hera stood up and halted, leaning on the white she-lynx. The black male jumped up beside them.

"Ha! This merely starts DayLynx! Soon there will be an army, this whole world will be filled with nothing but hatred and chaos! A world with only fire to consume it!" Dusty growled. DayLynx hissed at him then looked at Hera.

"Dusty you have broken our rules, and for that, we must banish you to the Lake Of Stars, for everyone's good!" Hera felt her body float up with the other Ancients. Crowns shone brightly on their heads. Beams started to appear then they connected. The beam hit Dusty, making his body slowly vanish. Hera opened her eyes for a second then gasped. She was no longer with the others but in a star-filled room.

"CloudFox..." A voice echoed. Hera felt her paws touch the star dappled ground. She peered around, all she saw as stars, and more stars. She looked forward to seeing a small white fleck swirling around.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Hera asked. Stars connected together forming the body of a fox. Hera whimpered as it towered over her.

"CloudFox, be mindful... cryptic times will always be around in the shadows, just because it started with peace doesn't mean it will end with peace. Fights will happen, death will advance, and there's nothing you Ancients can do to stop it..." The star-figure murmured.

"What do you mean??!" Hera barked but nothing but emptiness was around. Hera spun around trying to find the voice, "Star? Is that you?" The stars in the room faded and only the black void showed.

Hera opened her eyes, she was slowly floating down. The other Ancients were around her. She looked at where Dusty once stood, he was gone.

"We did it!" DayLynx mewed happily. Hera nodded then walked to the front of them, "What's wrong?" DayLynx followed her empty gaze.

Hera shook her head frowning, "I had a vision. From Star," She gazed toward the lowering moon. "She told me that in cryptic times, we cannot even protect this land from threats."

"Maybe that's not exactly what she meant, maybe she meant we have to control the world or it'll all end in chaos," LunarLynx suggested. Maybe she's right, maybe we're supposed to keep the peace, LunarLynx, TimberDog, LakeHowl, LifeBird, SolarLynx, and DeathBird! Were the Ancients. We have forgotten that. Hera thought as she closed her eyes, smelling the scent of freedom.

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