"I am going to put you out of this misery..." She smugly smirks as an idea pops into her mind.


Green felt dead and reincarnated in hell because every part of his body was paining. He again slept on the desk while doing paperwork - and now the said paperwork is covered in his droll, his neck is aching, his back is paining ... heck his entire body was aching. He will have to redo it again because the papers were stenching with his drool. Worst start of the day!

Him getting startled and tumbling down the chair on hearing doorbell ring doesn't help his desolate state either.

"Uh..." He groaned as he looked at the clock, "Its just eleven'o clock. Who could be here this early in the morning..."

His mind mentally ridiculed him for such an unhealthy schedule but who was he to pay any heed to it. 

He opened the door only to shut his ears the next moment by an ear piercing scream of Daisy-


"Holy Shit!"  Green spoke aloud as Daisy hopped inside the house - face masked by an overly-wide smile. If she was still mad at him for cancelling the plans, Green is as good as dead now. 

"Since you couldn't come - I thought I should." She chirped. 

Oh. Theres hope for him.

With that she jumped and headlocked him by her arm, smiling as she bumped their foreheads... and proceeded to smack a solid punch in his gut.

"Dont ever dare to flake on me again you little shit."

Yup, hes dead.


"Nice drool you got there." Daisy poked Green as she entered his room and opened the camera of her phone.

"What is that camera for?"

"Whats the use of coming here if I can't even get some blackmail material? :) "

With that, she took a few photos and a solid thirty second video where she closely showed the trail of drool from table to Green's paperwork to the floor. 

"I have a perfect cure for this." Daisy cheered up, momentarily catching Green's attention, "You just need someone to kiss you while you're asleep. Bonus points if they are into sloppy kisses and the kinks." 

"...What else did I expect" Green facepalmed as he fell on bed with a THUD.

"Everything in your house is under at least two inches of dust." Daisy remarked as she rubbed her thumb on his desk.

"Not as dusty as your love life." Green smugly retorted.

Daisy considered if she should actually help Green or knock him unconscious with a punch and leave him to suffer. She sighed and took out a pokeball-

-revealing Machamp....

"Hey! S-Sis. W-We should resolve our things...ourselves...right...? Hehe." Green almost jumped away towards the door on seeing the pokemon. God forbid if Daisy wanted to punch him.  Or rather, get him punched.

"Machamp, help me clean this garbage house." She snarled looking towards Green, and the pokemon happily jumped, looking for vacuum cleaner, dusting stick and all other cleaning essentials. Who cares if he breaks the shelves or wrecks the house in the process? At least, Daisy doesn't.

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