Chapter 2: I Don't Have a Choice

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F\c = Favorite color



I woke up feeling a pain in my shoulder and cheek, but it was the numbed kind of pain. I slowly opened my eyes to see where I was. It felt warm, like I was in a house, and it felt like I was sitting on something comfortable. My vision cleared and I saw three boys standing in front of me. 

I must've passed out or something. I thought, taking in my surroundings. 

I was on a couch in a decent size living room. I looked back at the boys. One was wearing a green hoodie and had dark brown hair, he was standing behind the couch looking at me worriedly.

Another boy was wearing a red hoodie, his hair was shaped into two horns. He was sitting on the floor by my feet.

The third boy was wearing a blue hoodie, his hair was spiked up and he had no eyes, just endless black voids. He was sitting on the floor next to my shoulder. 

The guy in the red hoodie ran off to, what I assumed, was the staircase. I tried to sit myself up a little more but failed. The horned hair boy came back with a pillow and blanket.

"Here," he said, lifting me to put the pillow behind my back and put the blanket on me.

I just stared, not able to find words.

The one in the blue hoodie cleared his throat. "I'm Tom.", he said handing me a cup of hot chocolate.

I hesitated to take it but then carefully grabbed it and sipped from the warm cup, letting out a small sigh of satisfaction.

The red hooded boy laughed a little. "My names Tord.", he said, he had a thick Norwegian accent.

I looked at the green hooded one standing behind me. "Oh, and I'm Edd.", he said.

Suddenly, the front door flew open, causing me to jump a little. A boy in a purple hoodie and green overcoat was walking in. He had ginger hair and freckles. He was also the tallest.

"Oh, she's awake. I'm Matt!", exclaimed the ginger boy. (Gingerbread man! Sorry had to do that.)

Matt carried some bags over to where I was sitting.

Tom grabbed the bags and gave them to me. "Here, put some clean clothes on, then we would like to talk to you.", he said calmly.

Still saying nothing, I grabbed the bags and was about to walk off when I realized I didn't know where I was going. I looked at Tom.

"Oh! Up the stairs 2nd door to the right.", he told me, nodding to the staircase. 

I nodded back and walked up the stairs. When I found the bathroom, I locked the door and began to change into clean dry clothes. I wandered into my thoughts as I did so. 

How do I know I can trust them? What if they kick me to the streets once they hear what happened to me? But they've been so nice to me.

I looked at my cheek witch had a bandage on it. I put on a F\c hoodie and black jeans. I was surprised when I was it was my favorite color. 

I grabbed my wet clothes and walked down the stairs. I could hear the talking, but the room went silent when I came down. I sat down again and Matt was sitting a couch cushion away from me. They all stared at me. I looked down at my lap.

Tom finally broke the awkward silence. "What's your name?", he asked.

I hesitated, thinking about it. "I-I'm Y/n." I stuttered. 

Tom smiled. "Nice to meet you, Y/n"

Tord cleared his throat. "May I ask what happened to you?", He asked politely.

I nodded slowly, recalling the events again. "Well, I came home and someone was screaming, so I ran inside to see my parents and sibling(s) backed in a corner." My eyes filled with tears. "He held a knife and..." I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued. "He murdered them in front of me. I turned to run but he threw the knife and me and it hit my shoulder. I fell and he swung at my neck but I moved and he only cut my cheek." I choked on my words not able to continue. 

Matt scooted over to me and gave me a gentle hug. I was surprised, but gave in, I hugged him back and started to cry on his shoulder.

When I finally calmed down, I turned to Tom. "Thank you for caring for me." I thanked. I got up off the couch and started to walk to the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Edd asked. 

I turned to look at him. "Well, I didn't think you wanted me to stay, so I was gonna leave." I said, looking at my feet.

"What? No, you can stay as long as you'd like." Tom said. "Do you even have a place to go to?"

I opened my mouth to say something but then stopped. I don't have anywhere to go. So, I guess I can stay here until I find a place. I thought, walking back to the couch.

"I guess I could stay. I don't have anywhere to go, so I guess I don't have a choice.", I said.

"Yay!" Matt squealed and hugged me again.

"Umm, not to burst anyone's bubble, but where is she going to sleep?", Tord asked.

"Hmm. Well, Matt and Tom have the biggest rooms, but Matt's needs ...a little cleaning. Sooo, you can sleep with Tom until we can get another room for you.", Edd said.

I looked at Tom, my face warming up a little. He shrugged and said,"I'm ok with it if you are."

I blinked and thought for a second. "Y-yeah, that would be fine." I replied, looking at the floor.

"Cool. I'll go get my room cleaned up a bit and the we can eat, you look hungry.", he said and went up stairs.


: Hey again, what did you think. It was longer then I thought it would be. Do you like long chaps or not let me know. Anyway good bye for now. 

Word count: 1043

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