Chapter II

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"Now boarding flight 237. Now boarding flight 237 to New York Airport." The flight attendant called through the speaker.

Conner, Mindy, and Cindy lined up in the queue and waited to be checked through. They all got through fine and we're on the plane in no time. Mindy and Cindy's seats were near Conner's p, but far enough away that they wouldn't be talking during the duration of the journey.

Conner slid into his seat and looked out the window.  They weren't in the air yet and all he could see were the transports for luggage and the men who waved the orange glow-sticks to show planes where to land.  Not much of a view. But he knew that soon enough they would be in the air and off toward the land of spectacular views. 

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The flight took off into the air with few problems. Soon, they were high in the atmosphere with clouds surrounding the windows, blocking the view.

Conner tried to look beyond the clouds, but nothing he did worked.  He decid3d to occupy himself by writing.  When the sign turned off for keeping tray tables up, he flipped his down and pulled out his laptop. He placed it on the table and started typing.

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When the pilot announced they were nearing NYC, Conner pressed his hands and forehead to the glass like a little kid outside a candy shop.  He peered past the clouds and the wonders of New York City rolled out in front of him.  Many people on the plane started ooo-ing and ahh-ing over the sight. 

It truly was wonderful.  Conner could see all the points of the tops of buildings, the flat tops of smaller ones.  He could see a huge park in the distance. Then the Statue of Liberty came into view. It was breathtaking. It stood regally in the sky, overtaking all the structures in its vicinity. It was a masterpiece.

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The plane landed smoothly and Conner got through security without a hitch. He walked outside the terminal and got a taxi to his hotel. He arrived at his hotel and checked in. He was in the elevator, waiting to get out on the fifth floor.

The elevator stopped on the third floor. The doors opened to let in a young boy and his mother. Conner stood in the corner silently as the elevator went up and quietly listened to their conversation. They were German and were visiting the U.S. on holiday from Australia where they lived. Conner thought he heard that the little boy's name was Emmerich, but he wasn't sure.

He got off on the fifth floor and made his way to his room.  He got there and inserted his key.  It unlocked and he walked in. 

It was a suitable room, for the price he paid.  What could he say? He was a broke aspiring author who had barely any source of income. What more could he afford?

Conner heaved his suitcase into the small bed and chucked his bag next to it.  He started to unpack- it was a five-day conference, he wanted it fell as settled as possible in his room.

After unpacking he went out to grab a bite to eat at a cute little cafe that wasn't too pricey.  Afterward, he went to his hotel room and slept.  What? He was tired and needed to rest before the conference tomorrow.

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