"That's good to hear then." she said and rummaged through her pocket bringing out a small cube and tossing it to the floor.

A small glitch appeared and suddenly a portal appeared. Inside it is a swirl of neon blue electricity in what seems like a vertex full of it.

My mouth hung open as I stared at the portal which just appeared out of thin air.

"This time machine only exists in one galaxy. I can't make contact with the other galaxies because it's far beyond what I can control at the moment, and of course, it will take years for it to be possible to make. As for now, we can only meddle with the past, present, and future of this galaxy." she explained as she neared the portal along with Kuroo san.

"And I want you both to keep this a secret. This Time Machine project is a top secret of our organization and its only used for necessary purposes in shaping the modern or futuristic world. Can you promise me this?" she asked and both I and Y/n exchanged looks before nodding at her.

"We'll keep it a secret, Miss L/n." Y/n assured, "Don't worry, we keep secrets." I said and she smiled.

"Thank you." she stated before gesturing Kuroo san to follow her, "We'll probably visit from time to time if Kairi wants to." Kuroo san grinned earning a smack from the older woman.

"That's not for you to decide!" she scolded him who pouted, "I know, but I'm just saying for Kairi. I mean look, she won't even be able to say goodbye since she's asleep."

"I know that! But fine, we'll visit sometime. And you two kiddos take care, no sex just yet until you're older." Miss L/n said and I felt my face heating up.

That's too fast for now. We're not even in a relationship yet!

I then looked at Y/n who is blushing a deep pink.

"They know that already, Y/n." Kuroo san chuckled making the older woman cross her arms and say 'hmp' in response.

"Alright, we'll see you guys soon. Thanks again." Miss L/n smiled as she then entered the portal along with Kuroo san who smiled at us before disappearing almost completely along with the cube that was on the floor.

Silence engulfed the air as both I and Y/n stood next to each other.

"Sooooo, do you want tea?" I sheepishly asked and she answered with a soft 'yes'.

"Alright then, where do you want to talk?" I asked as I headed towards the kitchen.

"Hmmm, let's talk in the porch." she answered, "Okay, you can take some blankets if you want. For sure it'd be cold outside."

"Okay, I-i'll see you there." she hurried upstairs to take some blankets as I heated water for tea.



Under the full moon sat two young teens sipping on their tea as comfortable silence filled the air.

Blankets covered their figures as they sat next to each other cross legged while viewing on the small backyard of the Kuroo Household.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Kuroo asked as he watched the girl sipping on her tea and settling the cup on her hands.

"I wanted to talk about my feelings for you." she says as she looked into his eyes.

No more holding back.

She thought to herself seeing Kuroo's surprised expression.

She then looked down on her tea, "I know I've hurt you before because of issues within myself. I was afraid of getting hurt and trusting others. I overthink a lot and I thought of what if's and that further clouded my mind. But when I talked to my best friends about it, they made me realize that I don't want to lose you. That I have to understand that things do happen for a reason. That I have to take a risk and see what happens afterwards." Y/n stated as she paused for a bit and looked at him straight in the eye.

Our Little Angel [Kuroo Tetsuroo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now