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•Reavan's POV•

I laughed as I heard the screams of my victim, this was pretty normal for me. I grabbed the needle and jabbed it into one of the subject's eyes then laughed as they screamed in pain. "Please stop! I'll do anything!" They screamed, "Tifo shut up already." I said. I punched Tifo in the face until he was unconscious and walked away hoping I didn't kill him. I went outside and looked up at the dark sky to see the moon, "What am I doing? Why am I hurting these innocent people?" I whispered to myself. I hit myself in the head and walked back inside, I realized that I hadn't cleaned up the blood yet so I got a towel and tried to clean it up, but the blood had stained my floor. "Fuck.." I said, I decided to just leave the stain there and went to go change out of my bloody clothes.

•that's all I have for now-•

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