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   It was the first day of class at the Officers Academy. You were the daughter of a Noble from the Empire whose family made their fortunes on both the Craft and Import of high quality Tea sets. Your Father and Duke Aegir became quite close friends due to business dealings, leading to Ferdinand and yourself growing up together. Rushing to your classroom, you were excited to surprise him with a hand crafted tea cup of your own creation. You've always had a crush on him, despite many others finding him to be a bit narcissistic, to put it kindly. You knew him differently. To you he was an incredibly considerate and caring boy. Unlike most Nobles, he had a sense of compassion towards his people, despite having minimal understanding of their lifestyle at best. He strived far more than most in his position, and you admired him for that. Turning the corner into the classroom, you were met with all of your classmates surrounding your new teacher. He was a handsome, blue haired man, but as you gazed into his eyes, you saw nothing. Not a single emotion present, just a void of emptiness. As Byleth glanced up,  those deeply vacant Sapphire orbs of his made direct contact with your e/c ones, sending a jolt throughout your whole body, causing you to drop the present you had so carefully made for your best friend. The crash caused a hush amongst the crowd of students, diverting the attention off the professor and onto you.

   "Oh, y/n, look at the terrible mess you've made. Do make sure that gets cleaned up, as to not cause any unnecessary injuries." Edelgard stated, hand placed frustratedly on her forehead, signaling her embarrassment in front of the new teacher . You felt your blood run cold, followed almost immediately by boiling. Not a single ounce of concern towards you whatsoever, as she was preoccupied with being embarrassed in front of her new teacher. Kneeling down, you began to carefully pick up the porcelain pieces scattered over the floor. Your (h/l, h/c) hair fell over your face as you attempted to hold back tears. "It was only a cup", you repeated to yourself. "You can just make a new one." To your surprise, a familiar gloved hand moved into view. As you gazed up, your eyes met that cheerful expression that always seemed to make all your concerns disappear.

  "Y/n, What on earth did you bring something like this here for? This is no place for a tea set." His comment serving only to make you sigh as you both finished picking up the remaining pieces.

"I'm sorry, Ferdie,  it was meant to be a present, but it slipped out of my fingers. Thank you for helping me pick it u.. ow...." your sentence cut off by a piece of jagged porcelain slicing into your hand. Ferdinand immediately shot up to his feet, looking to your new professor in concern, as you covered the wound with a hanker chief to stop the bleeding.

"Y/n cut herself. I am going to escort her to the infirmary, we shall return shortly." Byleth only managed to give a nod before you were rushed out by your best friend, after he disposed of the remaining broken cup shards.

"Ferdie, it's fine, really, I can take care of myself." A blush came over your face as you saw him walk with  purpose. He was much taller than you, so when he walked like this you found it hard to keep pace. "Ferdie, can you please slow down. You're walking too fast." You whined to him. He immediately stopped in his tracks, turning to look at you, worry clear on his face.

"Please, forgive me. I have to admit that I am a tad too over protective of you. It has been that way since we were children." As he spoke, a blush formed on his cheeks while he rubbed the nape of his neck. His expression and words only forcing you to shake with laughter, resulting in his eyebrows furrowing before raising one. "Have I said something amusing?"

"I'm not a child anymore. It's not like it's your duty to protect me or anything." Taking your hand, he removed the hanker chief and inspected the wound, only to notice the bleeding beginning to slow. Letting out a sigh of relief, his shoulders drooped into a more relaxed position.

"You are my dearest and closest friend. I promised your Mother and Father that I would always protect you and make sure no harm ever came your way. I made that same vow to you as well and I, Ferdinand Von Aegir, intend to keep it." You felt your face to heat up again, as you desperately tried to look anywhere but at him. Gently pulling your hand away, you began to walk towards Manuela's office. Turning to give, chase it didn't take him long to catch up to you.

"Honestly, you say the silliest things. If we keep stopping we'll never get this cut looked at." Unknown to him, a smiled crept on your face. You couldn't help but feel special when he talked to you like that. It was as though you were both children again. The memories of him being your Prince, and you his Princess, both being pursued by your dog, who, in your minds, was a fearsome fire breathing dragon. How you longed for those days.

Once you arrived in Manuela's office, she had it healed up in no time.  You two leisurely walked back to class, but Ferdinand's puzzled expression caught your attention. He had been entirely too quiet and lost in thought.  A rare oddity for him.

"Is something the matter?" You asked, forcing his gaze to meet yours. His brows were furrowed, and he had been muttering to himself for almost the entire walk now. It was something the noble had done since childhood, though you never could understand just what he was saying. His occasional quietness always sparked some concern with you when it happened.

"You said it was a present, the Tea cup I mean. You must have worked very hard on it. I could tell by the details in the broken shards. I must ask, who was it for?"  The orange haired boy's  question sent a shock throughout your body, prompting you to look away. A blush crept on your face once more as you gazed at the stone walkway.

"It was a gift for you, silly. I heard your favorite cup broke some time ago so I wanted to make you a new one. It wasn't anything special, just a token of my appreciation for having you as my best friend." It was then his turn to blush before giving a grateful smile.

"It is I who should be grateful. To have such a wonderful Friend like you. I know it must be hard being so close to someone as great as I, but I mean it when I say I am truly truly happy you are!" Rolling your eyes you began running back towards your classroom.

"You just had to go and ruin the moment didn't you, Ferdie! You'll never find a wife at this rate. If you keep talking like that, that is!" His eyes widened in amusement before playfully giving chase as both of you laugh happily.

"Oh, y/n, how could any woman resist me! I am Ferdinand Von Aegir after all!"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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