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bakugou rested his chin on his palm as he put up an uninterested expression, his eyes roaming around the neighborhood that was currently in his line of vision, but the window in front of him isolated him away from the outside world

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bakugou rested his chin on his palm as he put up an uninterested expression, his eyes roaming around the neighborhood that was currently in his line of vision, but the window in front of him isolated him away from the outside world.

"h-h-here's your order, bakugou-kun!" the waitress named yamamoto shrieks as she softly rested a tray with bakugou's usual order. his eyes widened because of what she addressed him, his brow raising towards her direction. he wasn't certain how she got to know his last name, but he can tell that it's (y/n)'s doing.

"where's the idiot?" bakugou asked the waitress beside him as he gave his drink a sip. it was no special order, but he didn't mind. both tasted great for him, anyway.

yamamoto hummed as a response before pulling the empty circular tray back on her arms, speaking, "she should be here, but she didn't arrive. she usually appears in a matter of minutes after class, but she just surprisingly went absent today." yamamoto explains nonchalantly, setting her fear towards the spiky-haired male aside to answer his question properly.

"it's odd, then. she didn't attend school today." bakugou adds, his tone still uninterested, but heck did that information worry him. though being annoying as hell, (y/n) isn't known for being absent. for the record, she always kept consistently present since her elementary years, for taking even just a day leave from class would probably affect her grades, not until today.

as if on cue, yamamoto clenched on her uniform as she tried to calm her heart that was rampaging in concern for the younger female, since she considers the (h/c)nette as her very own younger sister. they're family, you know?

"don't worry about her, lady, she's fine. she got a quirk as powerful as mine, so, she'll be okay." bakugou managed to spit out despite the fact that he was worried as well. he thought of every things possible that could've happened to the detonation-quirked female. maybe she got herself beaten up by some strong quirk wielders, or worse, got abducted by the league of villains. just the thought of it made bakugou flinch in fear. not for himself, but for her. even though they do wield powerful and similar quirks, he knows very well himself that she wouldn't stand a chance, going by his own experience.

"we can't be so sure about that, bakugou-kun." yamamoto refutes, now with a serious glare plastered on her face. it was new, even for a soft girl like her, but when it comes to her friends, she's willing to set everything aside and get down to business.

"stop saying my last name casually. i didn't give you permission to do so." bakugou clicked his tounge in annoyance, which snapped yamamoto back to her normal state, stuttering an apology towards the younger male. that's when their barista, tachibana, intervened on their small conversation, yet with an uncommon but genuine smile.

"what's up, you two?" he asks as he patted yamamoto's head. the ash blonde male shifted his gaze away from the two, not wanting to answer any statements the elder male wants to give, which tachibana respected. he didn't want to upset the younger, but he did had something to talk to him about.

"if you're looking for (n/n), you can visit her here. she doesn't know that i gave this to you, so go ahead. just try not to get your head bombed off of its socket." tachibana teasingly says before walking away from bakugou with yamamoto following him from behind, asking him to give her the current address as well.

bakugou clicked his tounge and whispered under his breath, "as if she can do that if i eliminate her first." he scoffs, checking the yellow note given by the barista and as soon a his eyes landed on the small paper's content, his eyes widened in surprise as he yelled inside his mind, the hospital!?

" he scoffs, checking the yellow note given by the barista and as soon a his eyes landed on the small paper's content, his eyes widened in surprise as he yelled inside his mind, the hospital!?

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