The firemen quickly prep before sending one of them up to retrieve the bear. Once he reaches the crying Grizzly, he reaches out his hand for him to grab onto. It takes a while to calm him down, but when he does, he grabs a tight hold onto the fireman's wrist before he heads down with the cub.

After the situation dies down and all is calm, the firemen head off to take the cub to safety, Grizzly still tightly gripping onto the cuff of the man who saved him.

Grizzly is then adopted by a TV Network to star in "Family troubles", a Canadian Sitcom. He starts to consider his co-stars on the show as his real family. Unfortunately, this is one-sided, however, the actors do play along.


Panda bear

Grizzly and Panda are brothers. Grizzly is a leader figure to both Panda and Ice Bear. In "Our Stuff", Grizzly helps Panda find his backpack, which contained his phone, and can also bear stack as a way of traveling faster. The two have been shown to be very close to each other, especially in episodes such as "Jean Jacket", "Nom Nom", "Brother Up", "Occupy Bears", "The Road", and "Pet Shop", to name a few. In "Cupcake Job", while trying to protect themselves from being attacked by an angry mob of customers, the two admit what they had done to the laptop when they hatched the idea of making a giant cupcake. They end up scooping up all the cupcake batter that covered the room and used it to create a giant, and disgusting, cupcake. In "Hibernation", when Grizzly's brothers checked up on him, they woke him up because of a dream he was having. They then said they would head back to the cave to let him rest. Grizzly didn't want them to leave which led to Panda offering if he'd join them outside, to which Grizzly accepts. The three end up sitting out under the stars together. On making on his own movie 'Crowbar Jones' he makes Panda become his sidekick and he makes Panda as the funny character of the movie.

Ice Bear

Grizzly and Ice Bear cheering for Panda at the Cute-off.

Grizzly and Ice Bear are brothers. Ice Bear is also shown to be close to Grizzly in episodes such as "Jean Jacket", where Grizzly sacrificed himself and Ice Bear cried (on the inside), or in "Viral Video" where he hugged Grizzly upon his return... Then slammed him onto the ground for ditching him and Panda. Ice Bear was also seen close, literally, to him in "Occupy Bears" and " Hibernation", and also in the cub episodes. In "Emergency", Grizzly knew all Ice Bear needed was alone time after finding him at the skating rink. Grizzly acts much like a leader figure to both Panda and Ice Bear, in which he is the older brother. He seems to hold a degree of respect for Ice Bear, and especially loves his food, to the point where he attempted to make a profit off it in the episode "Food Truck". Although there are times when Ice Bear can disagree with Grizzly, Ice Bear still cares about him and still helps him in times of need. Ice Bear is shown to be very protective of Grizzly in "Nom Nom".

Nom Nom

Nom Nom and Grizzly thinking of a plot for the "movie".

Contrary to his brothers, Grizz really never disliked Nom Nom, no matter what Nom Nom does to him and his brothers, respecting and admiring him for his work and fame since they meet in "Viral Video". Later, in "Nom Nom", Nom Nom tricked Grizzly and Panda into "making a movie", luring them into a potentially deadly trap in order to regain his own fame while also trying to keep Ice Bear out of the picture as he had discovered Nom Nom's plan. Since then, the relationship between Grizzly and Nom Nom has gone up and down during the two first seasons, due to the idolatry that Grizz feels towards Nom Nom mixed with the contempt that Nom Nom felt, in return, to Grizz. Nevertheless, Grizzly's attentions towards Nom Nom starts to pay off in the third season, where Nom Nom looks, each episode, a bit more tolerant with Grizzly's presence. In "Anger Management", for example, Grizz discovers that his hugs are able to calm Nom Nom, making their relationship certainly closer. Later, he works for Nom Nom in "The Nom Nom Show", where we can see that Nom Nom starts to tolerate the presence of the three bears close to him even in a so stressful situation like to try that his first program can be a success. In the episode "Vacation", Grizzly and Nom Nom has a confident conversation in a deathly situation, where Nom Nom confesses that Grizz is his only true friend and he loves him; finally, Nom Nom invites Grizzly to his holidays, showing the start of a probable friendship. He also wants Nom Nom to acts in his movie 'Crowbar Jones' as shown in 'Crowbar Jones: Origins', Nom Nom doesn't like Grizz's show. Grizz came to help Nom Nom from ripping his head off by the machine, he uses a crowbar to save him. Then, Nom Nom accepted to join in the movie but he acts as secretly Crowbar Jones' son.

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