Chapter 2: Dr. Pamela Isley

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Harleens pov:

     Looking through the files, there wasn't much to chose from. They were all so similar, most of them murderers. And yet they were all so different. However, one patient in particular seemed to stand out to me. Maybe it was her green complexion in the photo, or her long red hair, or her Lucius lips, or her great set of tits.

     "Hold on now, Harley. This is your patient. We don't want a repeat of college." The little voice in my head reminded.

     A cold chill went down my spine. College. I forced the thoughts out of my mine as I examined the girls case file. Pamela Isley, a former bio-chemist at Wayne enterprise. I read into the files a little more, watched some videos of interviews other psychiatrists had done with her, and grabbed a clip board. I was ready for anything she threw at me. I had memorized and studied all of her tricks to manipulate her past psychiatrists and knew I could handle it.

With full confidence and a kick in my step, I strutted down the hallway searching for Dr. Lola's office.

"Have you come to see me?" The same creaky voice called out from behind the door.

I rolled my eyes and approached the door. 'Joker' was written on the door's label. I peaked through the small window in the door only to see nothing. The room was empty. It was just an empty bed with sheets on the floor and...

"AHHH" Joker screamed appearing in front of the window.

Startled, I threw my hands up in front of my face, shielding my eyes and dropping my cliboard. Joker practically roared with laughter, holding his ribs and gasping for air.

"You should have seen your face!" He cackled in between breaths.

I could feel my face turning bright red as I pushed my glasses up my nose. My ears burned in both rage and embarsssment. I bent down and picked up my clipboard and pen, hands still shaking.

"I see why they call you the Joker then." I acknowledged staring at him with a blank face. "Quite fitting."

"Awwww did someone not like the joke?" He teased noticing my unamused face.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, not so confidently. I finally found Dr. Lola's office and gave the door a few hard knocks . I could hear a quick rustling of papers until I heard a quiet "come in".

I opened the door to quite a scene. Papers were scattered all around Dr. Lola's desk as well as the floor. Her once tight ponytail was now practically resting on her back and lose hairs were going everywhere. She had huge bags under her eyes that I hadn't noticed before and she looked totally out of it.

"Are" I asked very uncomfortably.

"Yes I'm fine, Harleen. Now what did you want?" She asked pouring herself a glass of wine.

"We're allowed to drink here?" I asked eyeballing the empty wine bottles around her desk.

"No. But I don't care" she said rubbing the sides of her head.

"Hmm okay then." I said confused. "Anyways, I have decided on my first case."

I plopped my clipboard down on to her desk. Dr. Lola examined the copy of the file I had made that was placed on top of my notebook paper. She gave a faint smile.

"Ah, Dr. Pamela Isley. Hmph. Many have tried their way with her. Good luck, Dr. Quinzel. You'll need it" she giggled to herself.

It filled me with rage. I wanted to snatch the clipboard off her desk and hit her with it. I wanted to tell her that Pamela was just misunderstood and was a troubled mind that I was willing to help. But I didn't. I just smiled, took the clipboard, and said

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