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April 25 , 2034.


   "Two of our War Dogs have been taken hostage in the country of Norway, we need to rescue them before they are injured, or worse." said King T'Challa. "Our intel shows that the spies are hidden in a warehouse just at the country's border. The intel also states that it is being guarded by Splinter group working against Norway's intelligence agency. They are serious and won't hesitate to kill anyone." Queen Nakia added.
    "Your Majesties, please allow me to accompany you. I have trained and studied in all kinds of martial arts. I believe I will be of great aid." O'Wana suggested. "I think its a good idea. The child should have some experience for what its like to be on a mission." Queen Nakia replied. "If that's alright with Okoye?"asked King T'Challa.
    "Ungahamba. You may go. But the Princess should come too." Okoye stated. "I don't have any protection, and if my Baba is going then there is no need for me to come." I answered back. "Actually, I will not be coming. This is your first mission. As future Queen, this will be a good way to prepare you for future missions." my Father replies.
     "Oh. Well don't you think we need some more people? Who knows how many enemy agents could be hiding?" I asked confused. "We've been in contact with the agents from the moment they were being held hostage, there are about five enemy agents," My mother the Queen says, "Also, Safi will be joining you too." I audibly gasp. "She can't-never mind." I end my sentence.
    "Safi is very calm and patient but she also learned some martial arts over time. She will help you stay patient and help if there is any trouble." My mother tells me.
    "You can do this. I believe in you. I would be coming if I didn't think you could." my Father tells me, and for a moment everything is quiet or maybe it was only quiet in my mind because subconsciously I always believed my Dad didn't think I had what it takes.
    My aunt Shuri interrupts my haze, "I have a suit being made for you in my lab." "Let's carry out the mission." T'Challa says.

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