Part 8: Goobye, LA

Start from the beginning

"Probably not, it's an open party, pretty much. Some people invited by him, or the label. But it's pretty much a friend brings a friend who might know someone. It's a good way to bring in more people, get them talking and listening." JJ says back at me, having to almost shout as we pass a large speaker.

I grab his arm as the density of the people increases, my fingers digging into his arm in fear that he might be pulled right from my grasp. Just until we find some kind of main room, where we both stop just to the side of the arch way. The room was large and dimly lit, draped in creams and golds, the people were more sitting down here on large couches. While others passed through to either head outside to the back of the place or simply get to another room. 

We both stood there looking around, my hand itching to take hold of his hand again. I push down the urge however and try to look at the faces of the people in the room to see if I knew anyone. Some do look familiar, but it is LA, a lot of the people looked similar.

"There he is." JJ says suddenly by my ear, motioning to a guy sitting on a couch with a few other people. My hands come to press together in front of me as my head tilts down to hear him better, before looking up to who he was talking about.

"We should go say 'hi'." JJ suggests, his eyes not leaving my face, but I don't look at him.

I just take a breath and follow after him once he starts to make his move towards his mate.

"JJ! You made it!" The guy sounds genuinely happy, standing up to greet JJ with a hug.

I can't say I've seen him before, but I don't know all the people JJ knows.

"This is Simon, he's my..." There is a split second of hesitation, "... best friend."

I knew it was coming but, you know, it still stings a little. But I smile and shake his hand as we exchange a short hello.

"Simon, I hope you don't mind if I talk to him for a minute?" I doubt there was really a choice, the guy already had his arm around JJ's shoulders, leading him towards the couch. The couch he was sitting on when we came in, the one littered with beautiful women. I sigh.

JJ gives me a look but I shrug, "I'll find us some drinks." I offer and turn to leave before I embarrassed myself.

Great, not even five minutes in and we're already split up. I told him this wasn't a good idea, I should have just went with my gut. Though it's not like I put up much of a fight, especially when JJ gave me that damn look he gave me when he wanted his way.

I move through the rooms, searching around for where drinks could be. Figuring they had to be in one of the dozens of rooms in this place. With the amount of people here, there was no way there was only one bar.

Each room was packed, people dancing or taking up space chatting. The music loud enough to drown out any talking, yet just low enough that you could chat if you were close enough. I find a larger room than the last few, the atmosphere was even more relaxed.

One side occupied by people playing table tennis, and the other with people playing pool. Just at the back near a set of sliding doors that let out to the back was a bar. The bartender is fitted with a loose white button up, which was opened at the top. He's tossing around the bottles of alcohol and the shaker before pouring the drinks. Entertaining the few people who gathered around.

I make my way over desperately wanting a drink. Sliding between a couple and a girl who looked like she was ordering a few drinks to go. I bring my hands up to tap at the bar top waiting for my turn.

"And what will it be, Mr. Grumpy?"

I look up to see the bartender staring at me, his eyes are hooded and bright green. His dirty blonde hair is shaggy enough to fall over his forehead. He looks like he probably surfs on the weekend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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