From my peripheral vision, I can see a young man heading towards me. Out of habit, I snarled. I don't know, but every single time I feel threatened or what, I snarl out of the blue. It drives people away effectively so I grew up with that habit.

The young boy stopped in his tracks, just like how I expected him to be. But what surprised me was the next thing all of them did. They kneel in one knee, the other simple bended as their heads were bowed down.

"H-hey" I call out, feeling completely creeped out with their gesture. I can hear them mutter, but with all of them mumbling random things under their breath together, I failed to catch even a single decent word.

"What's going on here?" a man barging out of nowhere, also half naked with his left arm filled with tattoos asks with his loud and stern voice. His gaze scanned the kneeling people before they stick to mine. My heartbeat starts racing once again. The man's figure is oddly familiar, but I can't really point where I've seen him.

"A-are they okay?" I ask when the man stops not too far away from me. I'm still surprised with the people's reaction towards my snarling. Sure, it effectively drives people away, but it doesn't make them kneel.

"Everyone up" the man commanded shortly, and as if all of them were his robots, they stand. "Continue training" he added with authority.

The people's response were abrupt as they all shout something like "Yes Alpha!" together. Then, as if nothing has happened, the people started 'training' once again, their attention nowhere at us.

"W-what was that? Are you the leader of this m-mafia? O-or gang? Are you gonna kill me?" I ask without even breathing. My heart is thumping crazily inside my chest, it's painful.

This man looks like he holds great power among this people. And if my hunch is true, I need to get out of here as soon as possible without provoking him or getting into the slightest trouble or else, my shredded body would be seen rolling down the hill.

I see the man's brows furrow and his thin lip twitch in what seem like amusement before finally opening his mouth to answer my questions.

"I'm not part of a mafia or a gang" he chuckled "You're in my pack, the Silverwoods. All of these people are my pack members. The doctor whom you've met a while ago is my little brother, Taehyung" he says.

One thing I've noticed while he was talking is his soft voice. The man spoke with tenderness.

"May I ask you what brought you here?" the man asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. He's taking slow steps to get closer to me, but I immediately take a step back.

I'm still petrified with the possibility that I may have been kidnapped. What if he's lying? What if he's really mean and was just using his soft voice to coax me? Who knows what these people will do to me once they get to know me. Or what if they already did? Did the rumors from my town reach here? Oh god, how will I escape this place if ever? Every nook and cranny of this place is surrounded with his people.

"..ey. Hey, are you okay?" the snapping fingers in front of me made me jump a little. "You were spacing out, are you okay?" the man has concern in his eyes, I can clearly see it with the way his thick and beautiful brows form an arc and his eyes looking at me as if I was someone he deeply cares for.

I'm close to trusting this stranger, but anxiety got the best of me. It tells me that looks can be deceiving, and I couldn't agree more. I've seen people deceived by it, and I myself is a living victim. So to hell with fake concerns, I'm done with them.

"D-don't come near me" I say, my hands raising up in defense, and shaking. The man, although confused, took a step back. I can sense slight nervousness around him. Don't ask me how I did, I myself don't know why.

"Hey, I don't mean any harm. Promise" he says and I look at him in the eyes. When Lady Mozerta was still alive, she always told me to look at the eyes of the person I'm talking with. That way, I will be able to detect whether a person is lying or not. But she also told me that looks can be very deceiving so I have to be careful with my judgments. But as I look at the man in front of me right now, all I see is sincerity.

Just this once, I'll trust my judgments.

"O-one more question" I say cautiously, looking straight on his eyes "are you after my silver eyes?" I ask, praying to all the saints he'll say no.

"Why would I be after your silver eyes? I have gold ones" I feel my brows furrow. Is he kidding me? Because if he is, then I'm out of here.

"Are you kidding me?" I say in annoyance, but he answers me with a barely audible "no" while shaking his head as if wondering why I asked him if he was kidding.

"Please j-just let me go" I say, retreating. Once again, I'm disappointed with myself for ever thinking that this man is trustworthy. Why can't I just decide for the benefit of myself? Why do I always trust the wrong people?

I wipe the tears that was streaming down my face as I continue to take small steps. Before I can take my third step, I feel warm and calloused hand gripping my right elbow softly.

"Wait" he says.

"What?" I ask, barely turning.

"You don't believe me?" he asks, taking two steps to get closer to me. I turn to face him completely before he can close the distance between us. Peter of heaven, why does he keep on getting closer? Can't he see I'm intentionally avoiding him from getting close? And why the hell do I keep having someone whispering in my ears telling me I can trust him? I can't! He's a complete stranger.

But then, how can I not trust this man when his eyes tell me that he would go through deep pain in case I'll leave? Am I imagining things or am I just too emotionally unstable and love-deprived that I keep thinking that this man wants something more from me and not just my because they can get something from me?

"I don't believe you and I don't believe anyone" I say frankly.

He says nothing after that. Instead, he took two steps back.

"Then tell me if you still don't" he says out of the blue.

Then, I hear his joints cracking. My eyes instantly goes wide, hands shaking, and mouth agape.

"Oh my god! Hey, what's going on?" I yelled, my eyes scanning the people from the field to ask for help. When my eyes landed on them, I'm surprised to see them standing there, placid.

My eyes automatically went back to the stranger I was talking with a while ago, but he was gone already.

What stood there is an impossibly huge rusty red wolf with golden eyes.

I scratch my eyes, still not believing the creature standing close from me.

It was when words that wasn't even my own thoughts start pushing inside my head that I feel the world spin ridiculously.

Hi mate. Do you believe me now?

Then I saw black.

Double update coz I got really inspired😅💕


The Alpha and His LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora