This Wu seemed to have an opinion on the matter. "They carry Fireboxes." Fireboxes obviously meant our phasers. The question about how this man knew about them was the first thing that came to mind. The second was how Tracy was in charge of telling him what to do. It made no sense, at least not without hearing what had occurred. But even then, there was going to be hell to pay because of the directive. No interference.

Tracy just turned to Wu and continued. "I said lock up the savages." Wu looked unhappy with the order but they did as requested. "The prisoners are called Yangs. Impossible even to communicate with. Hordes of them out there. They'll attack anything that moves."

Spock was more on what I was thinking about when I heard the term Firebox. "Interesting that the villagers know about phasers." I noticed the quick jolt of Tracy's neck to turn to Spock. Something had to have been off with the man. Yet, no one said anything further on the matter.

Kirk decided to redirect the conversation. "You were left alone down here. Ron... What happened?"

Tracy dove into his explanation. "Our medi-scanners revealed this planet as perfectly harmless. The villagers, The Kohns here, were friendly enough once they got over the shock of my white skin. As you've seen, we resemble the Yangs-- the savages. My landing party transported back to the ship. I stayed down here to arrange for the planet survey with the village elders. The next thing I knew, the ship was calling me. The landing party had taken an unknown disease back." There was a pause from him. "My crew, Jim. My entire crew... Gone."

I frowned hearing that. If what he had said was true, then we wouldn't be able to go back to our ship either until we took care of the disease. If we hadn't found the report in the logs, then we would be dying along with the rest of the crew. Now, I am good at what I do, but to find a cure for something that takes the water from the body and leaves nothing but crystals behind... before any of us died... near impossibility.

Somehow though, he remained alive. Something on the planet had an immunity to the disease, so as long as we remained there, we would be fine. At least until we could find a cure. Though, the way he made it sound we would be here for the rest of our lives. Even so, we had work to do, and I did so closely with McCoy. I was using a set of old earth paper to write down the primary information while he spoke with the labs on the ship.

Granted it was a little more difficult without computers to compare samples with or get data from, but I could handle it. I aced my classes when it came to doing things long hand. Occasionally it saved my life. "Tell the lab the final reading on our tissue is Y-3, X-.004, and we could use a second blood-analyzer unit."

Uhura was taking the notes and was going to send down the necessary equipment. Well, more precisely put in the order for the equipment to be beamed down to our location. With that it was time to tell Kirk everything. "So, it would appear that all of our tissues show some kind of massive infection. For now, it is as Captain Tracy said, something is immunizing us, keeping us alive. If it wasn't for that, we would have died hours ago. As far as leads go, there was an infection developed by earth in the bacterial warfare experiments of the 1990's."

That was when we had a problem. Spock busted the door while holding up the security officer. "A Yang lance, doctor." I was quick to assist McCoy and Kirk in settling the man down. McCoy on the other hand was getting ready to look the wound over as Kirk then turned to Spock asing if he had been injured at the time. "Bruised only. We were approximately 100 meters from the village when five of the savages ambushed us. We managed to escape without firing."

Managed to escape was an understatement. They had both been injured and one of them could be dying. "Spock, do you see any hope that these Yangs can be reasoned with? A truce, a parley, a--"

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