Rainy New York

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It's always been your dream to come to New York, and finally when you make it, it's raining. I mean of course, you finally come and it's raining. Wrapped round you you had a thin raincoat, and in your hand was a flimsy umbrella, that kept turning inside-out with the power of the wind. It snapped. You let out a sigh as a wave of embarrassment came over you as the people around you started to stare. And to your luck, the rain turned into downpour. Your hair started to get soaking wet, dripping with water and a chill overcame you. All the taxis were speeding past, you couldn't hail one, until a lady came and stood next to you, holding an umbrella.
"You look cold, do you not have an umbrella or anything?" She said softly, her voice was so caring and concerned, you could tell she was a very empathetic and lovely person with the way she dragged each word out a little more then the one before, in her caring manner. You turned your head to see a older lady, a few wrinkles decorating her pale skin, blonde hair clipped up in a bun, and some glasses that had drops of rain on. She smiled.
"N-No I- well it broke" You giggled saying, "And now I can't seem to get a taxi!"
The lady giggled. "Typical isn't it? I'll have a go, i'm a bit of a expert" She smirked and walked into the road a little, too far into the road for your liking but it did it's job. The first taxi that saw her came to a halt and she got in.
"Come on darling, I don't want you getting all cold out there!" She shouted out of the car, trying to top the loud noise of Times Square, and patted the seat beside her. You jumped in, and the driver pulled out, suddenly realising who his passenger was.
"Meryl Streep?" He said looking in the wing mirror.
"Yes, Yes, thats me...." She said a little sadly, obviously not wanting to be fangirled over. You smiled realising it was indeed a very lovely and empathetic person beside you, I mean she made the most awful magazine editor soft and vulnerable. The driver nodded and smiled, and you smiled at her. Meryl's smile grew at the realisation she was going to be treated normally for a taxi ride, and she leant back sipping her coffee. A cold chill rushed down your skin as the rain that landed on you before met your skin.
"Oh darling you silly thing, you've given yourself a cold!"
"Yeah a little...maybe" You replied with softly.
She grabbed a cozy jumper from her designer bag and took the raincoat off you, slowly wrapping the jumper round you, and tied up your hair.
"There" She said proudly.
"Thank you so much" You giggled smelling the perfume her jumper picked up.
The taxi drive was a little silent, you and Meryl talked for a while about New York and Broadway, Meryl spoke of her obsession with Hamilton, and you agreed with all her points, she was a big fangirl.
"Angelina, Peggy, Eliza, WORK!" She threw her hand in the air as she sang.
"Daddy said to be home by sundown..." You giggled carrying on her verse. Meryl laughed loudly and a little snort escaped. You both laugh loudly and then arrived at your destination.
"Oh where are we?" You said softly.
"My apartment complex, well Im moving next month but I'm staying in New York for some interviews. Anyway you look cold, come in for coffee."
You couldn't help but let out a little giggle and gasp of what the hell was happening. Meryl paid the driver.
"Let me p-" Before you could finish the sentence Meryl had closed the Taxi door and held your arm as she walked into the apartment building. You laughed again and she did too, scrunching her nose a little, and shrugging her shoulders. The doorman pressed the button on the lift and you walked along the corridor to Meryl's apartment. Gwyneth Paltrow strolled passed, smiled at Meryl and you.
"Morning Meryl"
"Morning Gwyn!"
Your mouth opened in pure shock. What the-
"Here we are..." She opened the door to reveal a beautiful apartment, carefully decorated and cared for, family photos and a smell of coffee in the air.
"Sit down on the sofa I'll grab you a coffee"
The next hour that passed was full of more chats with Meryl as you got on well, and a coffee that warmed you up from your head to toes. Finally, Meryl got a call for a interview and had to go, so you did too.
"Thank you so much Meryl" You started to take off her jumper from your body and Meryl shook her head.
"Keep it darling" She smiled softly.
"Thank you"
"No problem, have a lovely day, If you need a friend to explore New York with, you know where i am" She smiled passing a little slip of paper with a number.
She hugged you.
Wow, what a day.

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