Chapter 2

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Your going to be 5'6'' in this story to be just an inch shorter than Eijiro.

You looked at the red head, and then the men with guns, who surrounded you on all sides, their guns trained on you. Everyone was scared. The teachers had a nervous energy radiating off of them, including the white creature, who was trying to hide it. The tenseness in the tired teachers shoulders didn't go unnoticed, his body ready to react to the slightest wrong move. The only one who wasn't uneasy, was the boy, Kirishima.

He was just waiting with a smile on his face, oblivious with the uneasiness in the air, or even the guns trained on your back. Was he not told of what you had done? Of what you were capable of?

Flexing your wings a bit, you could feel the tension rise from everyone around you, but Kirishima only seemed to be suddenly interested in your wings. Walking up to him, you found that he was just a bit taller than you, maybe more if you counted all of his spiked up hair. You stare into his crimson eyes, trying to find hidden motives, your (e/c) eyes glowing slightly white as you peered into his very soul. He didn't seem to notice, just offered you a friendly smile, as you went deep found something underneath his warm and kind soul, something you didn't recognize.

Stopping, you sighed and relaxed your body, wrapping your tail around your leg while your swirling black and white wings pressed against your back. Nodding you watched as his smile somehow grew bigger, his sharp teeth gaining your attention, causing you to run your tongue along your own, remembering when they would get sharp like his, it was always a bad thing.

"Alright!" He smiled, snapping you from your thoughts.

"If your going to show her around, start with the dorms." The tired teacher said, some of his tension starting to fade, but it was still clear that he was cautious. "Classes are still in session and I don't want you to interrupt the others."

"Okay Mr. Aizawa." Kirishima actually bowed, confusing you a bit, before he stood up and smiled at you. "Come on. We can hang out in the common area until classes finish."

You could hear the guns being tucked away behind you as the men started to relax, while you followed Kirishima away from the school building. Following him a little path that cut through tall, dark green trees, you both walked in silence for maybe a few seconds, at least out of earshot of the men and teachers.

"So, what brings you to UA?" He ask casually, making you look at him, confused. "Are you an exchange like the girl in class 1-B?"

You stayed silent, looking at him curiously, wondering how he seemed to calm with you walking beside him. Didn't he know what you did? You were sure it went around the world, of what horrible thing you have done, yet he doesn't seem to know. He was waiting for a response, but you didn't give it to him, not wanting him to twist your words around like everyone else did. You shook your head instead, since no one was going to where you had been unless they had gone insane and always wanted a gun to their head.

"Not much of a talker huh?" He asked, sighing slightly as he looked back at the trail, trying to think of something to talk about, before just deciding to walk in a comfortable silence.

Reaching the dorms, Kirishima gave you a tour, of the common room, where the bath was, and brought you up to the 2nd floor. It was strange, to have someone talking so care free to you, acting like your responding to him, so relaxed. Was he really this clueless?

"You get this floor all to yourself, since all the girls are all in the floors above us." He grinned, stopping at a door, that already had your name on it, right at the end of the hallway. "Mr. Aizawa said something weird why. For your and their safety?"

Of course. The teacher didn't trust you, but you didn't really trust yourself either anyway. It's better to be on a floor alone. Well, at least half a floor. Just in case you don't close your door before then. Opening the door to your room, you found that it was painted half black and half white, just like the one at the facility. A hammock was strung up next to a bed with black sheets, and there were only two boxes in the room.

There was also a desk and a dresser, the uniform to the school draped across the chair. Stepping into the room, you checked the boxes, one holding needed school supplies, and the other held precautions. Your going to have to set them up and test to make sure that they won't break. Looking back at the door way, you found Kirishima, not stepping a foot inside, though he was peering around curiously.

"I'll leave and let you get settled in." He suggested, giving you a genuine smile, making you wonder if he really didn't know. "I'll show you around the school when it lets out. Mr. Aizawa said it was better to show you around that way. Less distractions."

You didn't answer, just watched him, while he rubbed the back of his neck, before he turned to leave, giving you one last smile. Poking your head out of your room, you waited until he was halfway down the hall, before shutting your door, wincing after touching the handle. Looking down, you found that it was made of iron, briefly touching the door only to pull away. It was lined in iron, that made your skin burn, the black on your feathers starting to dissipate, along with your tail and horns.

Relieved about the protection, you went over to the window, find it was bared with iron bars on the other side, the balcony practically off limits to you unless you came from outside. Looking outside, you watched the cherry blossoms slowly floating outside, the pink flower petals giving you a promise you knew wouldn't be held.

When your tail lengthened, and your horns came back, you ran your hand across the wall, hissing in pain as it burned, the black gone completely, leaving just your angel. Now immune to the iron, you went to the box of precautions, and took out the chains, needing to make sure that they were okay for tonight.

I am going to try and update every week, but it depends on... well... life. I will try, but I can't really promise.

And could you guys check out Monsters in the Night and leave some request? Haven't gotten any for a bit. Sorry for not updating this for so long too. You guys are awesome though to actually be reading my stories.

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