slappy slaps jimmys mom

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jimmy was now done with his creation. he went to his phone 8751067104729547.8529402.001 (that he created) and called up slappy. "hey slappy!" jimmy said in an excited voice. "yeah whadya want" slappy responded. "I have a gift for you could you come get it and test it out on my mom?" "uhhh sure! I'll be right over there." slappy said. slappy was then at jimmys door. "hey slappy!" jimmy handed her the purse. "aw thanks jimmy! my favorite color. now wheres the invention?" slappy asked not knowing she was holding it. "well your holding it! now go up to my mom and slap her! she let me stay up late when I told her she needs to tell me to go to bed!" jimmy was mad. furious. ENRAGED. "ok" slappy said casually. not knowing the purse made her not need to slap as hard as she usually does. she slapped jimmys mom as hard as she could and then she went.... ZOOM. jimmy and slappy started hearing dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dunnnn dun dun dun as they watched jimmys mom yeet all around the world to.... UNITED STATES CANADA MEXICO PANAMA HAITI JAMAICA PERU-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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