Normally, Fornell wouldn't arrive until after 10 minutes of class went by. Probably talking to Ms. Diane Sterling in the teacher's lounge. Everybody around school knew they had the hots for each other but they were always fighting. Maybe that was what was good for their "relationship". Tony looked Ziva up and down as she was looking around the gym. She saw all the cliques in the class and told herself that she didn't want to be a part of any of them. She was perfectly fine with hanging out with Tony.

"I have a basketball game today after school. If you want to come we're playing the school rival. Washington High. God those guys always find a way to one-up us. Not this year. We're taking it all the way to the finals. Leave them in the dust." Ziva's eyebrows raised when she heard his last sentence. In her country, if you leave somebody in the dust, they're dead. Tony saw her look of disbelief and somewhat fear. Something that was hidden way too far back for anybody to see. But he saw it.

"What?" Again he was scared that he said the wrong thing. Ziva shook her head.

"Nothing. In my place of birth that normally means leaving people to die. It just took me by surprise that is all." Tony looked at the ground for a split second and then looked back up at her and was about to speak when her phone dinged. Her face was written with confusion as she pulled it out of her pocket. There was another unknown number on her screen.

202-327-1969: Hey Ziva! It's Abby! Tony gave me your number so we could talk! Hope that's cool!

Ziva (202-112-1982): Hello Abby. Yes, it is fine. We are currently waiting for Mr.Fornell to get into class.

202-327-1969: Oh yeah! I just saw him in the hallway talking with Ms. Sterling. They need to see what's right in front of them! It's honestly so sweet but kinda creepy to see two teachers flirting.

Ziva let out a laugh. It was a wonder that Abby got any work done with how much she talked. She didn't mind, Abby was becoming a good friend to her. If she liked to talk so be it. Ziva looked up at Tony when she chuckled and saw him looking at her strange.

"It is Abby." Recognition spread across his face.

"I hope you don't mind that I gave your number to them. They just wanted to be able to talk to you even outside of school." Ziva nodded. She looked up at him quickly.

"Did you say them?" She didn't want many people to have her number, no matter who they were.

"The only other person I gave it to was Tim. Nobody else, promise." His cheeks blushed a tad as he looked up at her.

"Oh. Well, Tim is fine. Just don't be giving out my number to everyone." She let out a chuckle, signaling to him that she was only half-joking.

"Deal." Her phone buzzed again and she suspected that it would be Abby but it was another unknown number.

'Must be Tim.' She figured as she opened the message.

202-913-1978: Hey Ziva, it's Tim. Sorry to bother you just figured I would text you to see if you were okay. I heard about what happened in the hallway before lunch.

His text made her smile. They cared for her like nobody else had and she wouldn't let that go. Ever. Tony saw her smile and wondered what Abby had said.

"That was Tim." Jealousy suddenly fired up inside Tony as he heard Tim's name. Why was he jealous of his own brother? Tim was in love with Abby, of that he was sure. He didn't need to be jealous of his computer-obsessed brother. But, he couldn't help it when it came to Ziva. He didn't know why that was but he had the suspicion that he was falling for her, and fast.

"What did he say?" He couldn't help himself from being curious, and nosy. Ziva raised her eyebrow at him but smiled.

"He was just asking if I was okay from what happened in the hallway earlier." Tony nodded.

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