Everybody Hates Rob

Start from the beginning

"I knew that Queen guy was trouble." Carly fumed.

"Hey, I never said this happened protecting Queen." Diggle countered.

"Then why did you quit?" Jessica asked.

"Seriously?" Diggle gave Jessica a defeated look.

Carly turned her gaze to the restaurant's entrance. "Oh yeah? Then what's he doing here?" She nodded toward Oliver Queen and his new bodyguard.

"So that's Rob." Jessica thought out loud.

"Area is secure, sir." Rob turned towards Oliver.

Jessica snorted, having heard Rob. "Oh my god, he's a dweeb." She turned back to Diggle. "You're seriously letting that guy protect my kid?"

"He's not that bad."


"Hello, Diggle's sister-in-law Carly." Oliver greeted, interrupting the conversation. He reached his hand out, which Carly took. "I'm Oliver Queen."

"I know who you are." Carly sassed.

"No, you really don't," Diggle interjected. With that, Carly left to continue working. 

"Jess, can I talk with Diggle alone for a minute?" Oliver asked.

"Fine." Jessica gave in rather easily, sliding out of the booth. "Have fun." She told Diggle before walking over to the bartop.

Oliver took Jessica's place at the booth. "I didn't realize you two were so close."

"I served with her brother in Afghanistan," Diggle explained quickly. "But I'm pretty sure you don't want to talk about my friendship with Jess."

"I couldn't help but notice a distinct lack of police cars when I got home, I knew you wouldn't drop a dime on me," Oliver said. "So, have you considered my offer?"

"Offer?" Diggle scoffed. "That's one hell of a way to put it."

"It is an offer. It's a chance to do the kind of good that compelled you to join the military."

"Please. You were born with a platinum spoon in your mouth, Queen. What, you spent five years on an island with no room service and suddenly you found religion?"

Oliver dug around his jacket pocket, pulling out a small, worn-out, leather-bound book. "This was my father's."

Diggle flipped through the pages briefly with his good hand. After a few seconds, Oliver took it back. "I found it when I buried him."

"I thought you said your father died when the boat went down."

"We both made it to a life raft but there wasn't enough food and water for both of us, so he shot himself in the head," Oliver explained. "And as much as he was doing it to give me a chance to survive, I believe that he was also atoning for his sins. I need to right the wrongs done by my family. I need to make the city safer for my daughter. And I'm offering you the chance to right the wrongs done to yours."

"Oliver, what are you talking about?"

"The police never caught your brother's shooter."

"Hey." Diggle leaned over the table, pointing an angry finger at Oliver. "You leave Andy out of this."

"The bullets were laced with curare. That's Floyd Lawton's MO. He is the sniper... that I stopped." Oliver referred to the man who shot up the Unidac Industries auction right before Diggle discovered Oliver's secret identity.

"Are you trying to tell me that you took down Andy's killer?"

"I'm-- I'm giving you the chance. A chance to help other people's families. Do you remember when the people in this city helped each other? They can't do that anymore because a group of people-- people like my father-- they see nothing wrong with raising themselves up by stepping on other people's throats. It does need to stop. And if it's not gonna be the courts, and it's not gonna be the cops... then it's gonna be me." Oliver gestured to Diggle with the book. "And I hope you."

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