Dream Casters

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Cresselia floated down a long hall.

A meeting had just ended and the legendaries were returning to their respectful places. Cresselia was intent on returning home herself. She was tired after the long, unnecessary meeting. It was all discussion on temperature a weather. Groudon and Kyogre were back at it. Cresselia didn't care, she had much more on her mind. She needed to give the world their dreams before she slept.


Darkrai laid back against his rocky cave home. He didn't bother to show at the meeting. It's not his style to do things that don't concern him.

He saw his female counterpart float by on her path back to her island. She is the dream bringer; he is the nightmare creator.

He chucked to himself. If it was day, she would fly over to his cave and lecture him on why to show up at the meetings. Darkrai wouldn't care though. He may be a caster of nightmares, who is considered evil, but he is nothing of the sort. He would welcome her and be gentlemanly around her, unless she became snappy. Darkrai has a short temper and she is the reason why. Truthfully, when she wasn't a naggard, he enjoyed when Cresselia stopped by. Her being happy, made him happy.

Cresselia floated from Darkrai's view. He reclined back more on the cave's floor and entered a dream-state.


Cresselia entered her cave and floated to the ground. She saw her "shadow" on the way home. Cresselia was debating if to tell him what happened in the meeting. That led her to wonder about Darkrai himself. If she would go over, he would offer her berries and such. Why was he so gentle and courteous when she was around him?
After some time on the question, Cresselia gave up on the answer and feel asleep. She too, entered a dream-state.

--Darkrai's Dream-----------------------

Darkrai floated out of a cave, and a strong wind ripped over his ghostly figure. He lifted his hand to block the wind when he saw a feather float by. Darkrai, out of curiosity, reached out for it. The feather seemed to land in his hand. He gently closed his hand around the feather. As he did so, harsh wind became a warm breeze. Darkrai took notice of this and inspected the feather he grabbed. A Lunar Wing sat in his clawed grasp.

His face flared at the thought of the colored swan. He coveted this part of her. Darkrai felt this odd feeling in his chest.

"Strange?" Darkrai said aloud, but not intending to be heard.

"Who-who's there?" a voice questioned the air. The voice was as sweet as honey and as smooth as velvet.

Darkrai looked around for the source of the pretty voice. He noticed he was not on Newmoon Island, but on Fullmoon. He question how and why he was at his counterpart's home. Darkrai was again lost in thought until the voice called again.

"Hello... Is someone th-" Darkrai turned to see his opposite staring at him from over the hill. He was fully blushed behind the red cuff above his chest, holding a feather of the Pokemon starring at him.

His chest felt weird again for the second time. What was he feeling. Was it... love?

No Darkrai thought to himself He did not feel for that naggard. That goody-two-shoe, swan who would interrupt his nights... with her gorgeous voice... and her delicate wings.., made of the light in the night...

Darkrai felt that odd sensation in his chest again. Does that mean... Darkrai puzzled to himself. Yes it does. He l-lo-love-oved her. He determined that this never come true. And that it is never found out.

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