the staring game part 2

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* later that day *

"ryder whats up with you dude? why do you keep looking over there" nico asked ryder. "huh, what are you talking about" he replied with a nervous laugh. "just forget about it dude"..

  autumn's  pov
i stayed at the park for a little while longer but as the sunset i decided to start heading home. so i got up from the rail and grabbed my board. i looked back once more to see if he was still there or even looking my way. to which he was and i smiled and turned back around to leave the park.

ryders pov
she looked back one last time and smiled. she smiled and left .. i got no name, where she's from, if she'll ever come back , or if i will ever see her again. i hope i do. she seemed like a real cool person to hang with that actually enjoys to skate. i was actually thinking of heading home myself but i the guys were talking about getting something to eat from this pizza place. so i just stayed with the group and headed home after. when i got home my mom had told me that someone new moved on the block but i didn't even think much about it. so i went up to my room , changed and fell asleep.

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