Removing Carlos from her shoulders she made her way towards the exit.

"You could win prom queen!" James shouted, "People actually like you."

The boys began to agree at once.

She turned and faced them again, "Have fun at prom."

With that, she left.

"Oh, we're making her go to prom."


GABRIELA STOOD in line at the park for a smoothie.

While standing in line the four boys looked at her.

"The logical thing to do here is to get either James or Logan to ask her to prom." Carlos said, "Maybe she likes grand gestures."

"I wouldn't think so." Kendall said.

"Well if Logan is trying to get Camille back it's best if James tries and get Gabriela to go to prom." Carlos added.

James took a breath and approached Gabriela.

As soon as she turned around, smoothie in hand, she faced James.


James became nervous. James Diamond was nervous. He couldn't even believe it.

He wiped his hands on his pants, "I know you said you weren't planning on going to prom, but I would like to ask you to be my date... so, will you be my date to prom?"

The others watched from a distance as Gabriela spoke to James, it looked like she was speaking a mile a minute.

James finally turned around and made his way back to the boys.

"What she say?" Carlos asked.

"She still said no." He answered, "But she did say she would hangout, one on one, with me another time. It's basically a date." He smiled.

Kendall scoffed, "I get one on one time with her to and it's not a date."

"Because you have a girlfriend." James argued.

"Look," Carlos said, "we all know how nice Gabriela is, and we were right she's a likable person who probably would win prom queen, but if that's the reason we're trying to get her to go... we should stop."

The boys grew silent. They were taking in what Carlos had said because it was true, if the only reason they were trying to get Gabriela to go to prom was to win prom queen and have one of them have the high chance of winning prom king was wrong, no doubt.

"Just like any other girl, Gabriela should have the time of her life a prom." Carlos said, "No more asking her to go."

The boys came to the agreement and split off to find, and or get, their own dates.


HOURS HAD passed and Gabriela sat on her loveseat eating a tub of ice cream.

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