Ms. Binary
I thought you weren't supposed to be on your
phone with a concussion.

Mr. Green
Binary is right.

I know, but it seems like you all
thought I died.

Ms. Scarlet
Some of us did.

Mr. Little
How did you get a concussion?

I hit my head? How else?

Mrs. Parent
What did you hit your head on?

A brick wall?

Mr. Hammer
Even I know that isn't normal.


Mr. Web
How does that happen twice?

Mr. Gem
It doesn't.

Mr. Parent
Is it that kid again?


Ms. Nat
I can kill someone and make it look like and accident.

Aren't you in Australia?

Ms. Nat
I can take a flight.

Mr. Green
No killing, please.

Mr. Parent
Why don't you get some sleep, kid?
You can text us in the morning.

Where are you guys in Australia?

Mr. Parent
We are close to Perth, why?

When it is 8:00 in the morning, it will be 9:00
where you are. I don't want to keep you up.

Mrs. Parent
It'll be fine, now get some rest.

Goodnight, even though it is morning for you.


My head starts hurting, so I put my phone down and get into my pajamas. Well, I get into the pajamas that are in my room. I have never really had a pair of pajamas, but I found some in the closet that will fit me well enough. Even though it is earlier than I usually go to sleep, I know that I should sleep. Having a concussion sucks.

Everyone comes into the living room after Delilah signs off because we are all worried. She seems a little too calm for someone who has gotten a concussion, but that may be the concussion talking. I know that some have questions, and others are just accepting the fact that she is strange.

Natasha asks, "How long has this kid been bothering her?"

We all shrug. Delilah seems like she has accepted the fact that this kid is going to keep messing with her, which makes me think that it has been happening for a while. I remember that her application came with a picture of her, so I take it off of the table and find the picture. I go over to Peter and show him.

"Do you ever see her in school?" I ask.

He nods. "She is in a bunch of advanced classes, but she doesn't talk to anyone except for one girl. I think I have one class with her. AP chemistry. Yeah, she sits behind me. Always the first to finish tests. Always has her homework done. Seems too young to know what she does, but she is definitely the smartest."

I nod and look to everyone else. "She is getting an internship. I don't care that she is 13. She is smarter that the majority of us. I think she might be smarter than me in some areas."

Everyone looks at me shocked. I don't think they can believe that I admitted that someone is smarter than me. Delilah just has so much potential and I want to see what she can do with it. I take out an acceptance letter and fill it out. I am hoping that her friend will bring her the letter along with her homework. I send it out and hope that she will believe it and accept that she is smart.

A/N: You have no idea how difficult it was for me to figure out the time zones. I struggled. Well, enjoy. One more thing. If I made a spelling or grammar mistake, please comment so I can fix it. I don't actually proof read because I will second guess everything. Sorry not sorry ('bout what I said).

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