The Hard Steel and the Burning Flame

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Zane's pov

The sound of hammers hitting metal was all I could hear. Everyone in the workshop worked with metal, but they all saw me as the best. That's why I was always given the most difficult projects, but I could do them flawlessly. Of course being a metal element made it super easy everyone else who worked here were fire elements. I stuck out like a sore thumb. Everyone wore red and oranges while I wore dark grays not the mention my dark gray eyes. Some people I work with tell me they shine like metal does in the sunlight. I was thankful that no one asked about my dark gray eyes even though I know they want to.

"Hey Zane could you put this knife in the display case?" James, a guy I worked with, asked.

"Sure thing James." I replied taking the knife from him. I walked to the front of the store and opened the display case and put the knife inside. Just as I was closing the display case someone walked in and asked, "Um excuse me could you help me?"

I looked up and saw a boy with a orange shirt that faded into red and the bottom, and a black leather jacket that was red at the bottom of the sleeves. Along with his blue jeans, black shoes, and his orange eyes. His hair was brown with what looked like red and orange flames at the end. He was a fire element, there was no way anyone could mistake a fire element for any other.

"Of course what can I help you with?" I replied.

"My father said that he had an order for a sword and I was wondering if I could pick it up for him." He said.

"Sure what's your father's name?" I asked.

"It's uh Cade." He said.

"I don't think I know anyone by that name." I said.

He started to look a little nervous. I looked at his face and knew that the sword wasn't for his father it was for him. He probably said it was for his father to cover it up. I looked at all of the completed orders until I found the name Cade. I pulled the sword out inspected the blade to make sure it was ready. The sword was brand new and it had flames on it near the handle of the sword. I walked over to where we kept the custom made covers and found the one under the name Cade. I slid the sword into the cover to protect the sword. The cover was black with a red and orange dragon on it. I walked back to the front desk.

"Here you go." I said as I handed him the sword. He took it from me and inspected the case.

"Thank you so much!" He said as he handed me the payments and turned to leave. As he walked out I couldn't help but realize how excited he was about the sword. No one was ever excited for swords anymore with the invention of guns. It made things like wars and hunting so much easier for everyone. We mostly made parts for building and construction but we hardly made swords anymore.

"ZANE!" I jumped as my name was shouted from the other side of the shop by Alexander. I turned towards his office and walked over.

"What is it sir?" I asked.

"How many time do I have to tell you Zane there's no need to be so formal." He said as he chuckled.

"I know I know." I replied. Alexander was the only one who knew my element. He gave me a whole section of the shop that was mine so I could use my element undisturbed. He promised he wouldn't tell a soul and I trusted him. He was like a father to me ever since my parents left me and never came back. I always felt like I could be myself with him. I looked at his face as his expression changed from happy to sad.

"Is something wrong Alexander?" I asked.

He sighed,"Zane we're going out of business soon so you should start looking for another place to work." He said sadly.

I felt my heart stop when he said that. I loved it here even though I had to hide my element from everyone here it was my home.

"I'm sorry Zane there's nothing we can do." He said. He must have been able to pick up on how I was feeling.

"I understand. When do we close?" I said.

"Tomorrow sadly." He replied.

"THAT SOON!" I replied.

"I'm afraid so. I should've told you at the beginning of the week but I was too scared to tell you since I knew how much you love working here." He said.

"I just don't know if I'm ever going to find a job to replace this one." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I hope you can find one that you'll at least enjoy, but if you need anything come to me ok?" He replied.

"I'll try and I will I promise." I said giving him a hug.

"Why don't you go home early today." He said.

I looked at him and nodded. I walked out of his office and grabbed my stuff. I left the shop and turned to look at it before I left. I stood there for a couple minutes as a couple tears ran down my face. I wiped my tears and started to head home. On my way home I heard the sound of a sword hitting something. I followed the sound and found the guy who came in the shop earlier. He was amazing with a sword better than any guard I had ever seen. I leaned against a tree and said, "You know your really good with a sword."

He jumped and dropped the sword then turned to face me.

"Uh thanks, hey you're the guy from the metal shop." He said.

"Indeed I am." I replied.

"What are you doing out so early I thought you guys got out super late?" He asked.

"We normally do but we're going out business tomorrow so the boss let me go home early today." I replied.

"How are you guys going out of business? I thought you guys made pieces for construction." He said.

"There are hundreds of other companies that make construction pieces and we're at the bottom so people don't come to our shop as much." I replied.

"Oh I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't be after all you had no control over it. By the way I never got your name unless Cade is your actual name." I said.

"My name is Chris. I just used the name Cade to get the sword. What's your name?" He replied.

"Zane, my name is Zane." I said.

"It's nice to meet you Zane." He replied.

"Same to you." I said.

We talked for what felt like hours. It turns out that Chris's father was a knight that fought in the war and still serves the king. And Chris is 18, one year older than I am. I looked up and saw the sky was getting dark.

"I'd love to talk more but I've got to get home." I said.

"Ok I'll see you around." He replied. I nodded then left him to do his thing. When I got home it was as silent as it's always been. I parents left me when I was young and never came back. Alexander was the only reason I was alive. He found me in the house and he took care of me. That's why I loved the metal shop so much. It made me feel like I belonged somewhere. I would always see people my around age with their parents and I wanted that so bad, but I couldn't have it. When I was younger My parents were always with me until they left. I could feel the tears starting to run down my face. I took off my apron and changed my clothes. Then I crawled in bed and cried myself to sleep.

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