Skin Deep

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I know it's only the echo of my own footsteps, but the sound reverberating around me has me picking up the pace. My mind is strangely clear, like newly washed windows with a few streaks of water left to slightly blur the view. The pain is gone, for now, my arms and legs feel raw and I remember that this is what I would feel after a long workout. Another life, another time.

Pushing the thoughts of all the lost yesterdays from my mind I pick up the pace to a near jog. It can't be far now. There are no lights in the dirty and broken windows facing the narrow alley I'm in, there's no sound but for my footsteps and the faint roar of traffic from the street behind me. The mass of people and the rush of cars should have helped me throw them off my scent, I even swapped coats with a homeless woman to make it more difficult.

Then a choked half-yell, half-growl has adrenaline coursing through my veins and my heart pounding hard in my chest. A rush of euphoria mixes with utter terror. Without the enhancing drugs in my system I'll never escape. Offering a silent "Please!" to anyone who would care to listen I start running, it can't be much further. It has to be here!

Gargling noises, clothing being torn and agonizing moans are mixed with hysterical laughter as the Mokkurkalve shapeshift into lean, mean killing machines. Having seen their transformation up close more times than I'd like to count I know the agony they go through every time. I just never imagined being the one they were set to hunt. Drugs have left all my memories without feelings attached, but the images haunt my nightmares and the memory of the state of their prey are all a gory, unidentifiable mess in my mind.

A howl rises, followed by four others. Five! They sent five Mokkurkalve after me. I don't know whether to feel absolutely terrified or incredibly honored. Snarling and out for blood I hear them set off. The muscles in my legs are screaming at me to stop running, panic closes my throat and I fight for air as I give it my all the last few meters before I get to my destination.

My crystal clear mind gives me visions of Mokkurkalve flitting in and out of existence, jumping from darker shadow to darker shadow, closing in on the hunted. Though in this dark alley they'd be more likely to be running full on, closing in, breathing death down my neck. Suddenly my right hand reminds me of the flasher I've been carrying around all day. A quick squeeze and toss later the alley behind me lights up with a blinding flash. Whimpering sounds tell me I got most of them, they'll be more or less blind for a few seconds at least. Maybe that'll be enough?

A red door to my left. I throw myself at it, yanking at the door handle, praying it's the right one. The lock clicks and I almost fall backwards as it swings open. A near-human mouth full of teeth snaps at my head, words and growls mingle into the language of Mokkurkalve. "Blood. Flesh. Sweet blood."

Instinctively I do a quick set of punches, all of them connecting with a hairy and sweaty torso. It falls back, barking out the pain and collecting it's long limbs for another attack. Razor sharp fangs seem to be glittering from every direction, snarls and low pitched rumbles make my knees weak. The door closes behind me and everything goes black.

There's a syringe in my hand, filled with electric blue liquid. The withdrawal is snaking its way across and under my skin, my hands are shaking and I can taste nightmares on my tongue. This will be my last shot I promise myself as I slip the needle into my left arm. I hesitate. Mix the bright blue with some of my blood. The two colours twist and turn inside the glass beaker, never quite mixing, my blood almost reluctant to absorbing the drug. Slowly I remove the needle, a trickle of blood starts down my arm and I dully follow its course.

I should stop the bleeding. I should take the shot. I should...

There's a terrifying scream coming from a neighbouring apartment. Furniture is thrown around and sounds of fighting are barely muffled by the thin walls. The savage growls and guttural noises have me curling up into a ball, blood getting smeared on my clean blue overalls. The syringe has rolled underneath my bed, it lies next to the wall, impossible to reach without a broom handle. I still try to reach for it, it's the only thing that can save me. There's no longer any sounds coming from my neighbour's flat.

I close my eyes and cry myself to sleep. Razorblade fangs and metal claws slowly peel my skin off and all I can do is laugh as they reveal the dark and matted fur hiding beneath.

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