Chapter 22: The Plan * part 2*

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Your pov
It was currently Friday it was a second class of the afternoon. Pretty soon we'll activate the plan, although I think the Principal might be on to us because he been roaming the hallways mostly the ones I, KO, TKO, or Dendy are in.
I shook it off once History was over we go to our final class which is study hall in the library, Where KO,Dendy, TKO, and I could silently go over the plan. Because KO knows a secret room.

How he knows or has a secret room ? I have no idea. Just gotta go through it.


The bell rang I quickly got my things and headed towards my locker to get the papers for the plan. TKO was already waiting there.

" Get the stuff" He said in a low voice so that only I could hear him. I got the papers just as KO came over, I closed my locker and the three of us left.
Once we were in the library and met up with Dendy, KO lead us to a corner behind a tall bookshelf where a door hid. We opened it and went inside there were six chairs around a table. We each sat down in one. I looked around a little and there were various posters on the wall for...anime ?

" What the BEEP was this room for ?" TKO asked.

" I heard some highschool and some college students started an anime research club and they would always meet here" KO said quitely.

Oh so that explains why there's a poster of a pink cat girl holding a heart shaped bell.

We started to go over the plan quitely checking for any flaws and coming up with little ideas to fix those flaws, and coming up with back up plans in case something fails.
Pretty soon the final bell of the day rang and we snuck out of the hidden room, ( trying not to look suspicious), and went to our lockers. Once we back up TKO sent out an enormous text to everyone telling them to start the plan.

Narrator pov
Once everyone got TKO's text they got in their places of the plan. First Enid immediately got to the school and used her ninja skills to follow the Principal. And anytime when she thought she was caught she would ether turn into a log or become a shadow and hide behind a tree.
Eventually Enid followed the principal to a wearhouse , she took a photo with her phone and texted the group.

Next , at KO's house, Dendy used her coding skills to pinpoint to his exact location turning off any hidden cameras and making them seem like they weren't broken. Once that was done the entire group including (Y/n) went to meet up with Enid , luckily she had a good hiding spot where they could see inside the wearhouse without being seen. Everyone saw chemical tubes filled with a green substance and other evil mad scientist like things. The only thing they could do now was wait for the Principal to leave , they waited for about 3 hours until he went outside to his car and drove away.

TKO, KO, Carol, Mr.Gar, Enid, Rad, Dendy, and (Y/n) went up to the door to unlock it and get in.

( Y/n) used some of her electricity powers inside the lock, it destroyed it , allowing them to open the door. Once they walked inside it literally looked like a mad scientist secret lab.

 Once they walked inside it literally looked like a mad scientist secret lab

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