After Graduation

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WOW!!!! I have accomplished so much in the matter of three years. I solved one of the biggest murder trials of the time for the an amazing woman proving her innocence, got my Criminal Law Professor fired for coming on to me, have my amazing boyfriend be my new Professor for a small time, moved in with my boyfriend outside of campus, and graduated as Valedictorian of my class.   

Hi my name is Elle Woods!!! I'm from Malibu but came to Law school at Harvard chasing my ex-boyfriend. I never thought how much I would love being a lawyer but I do. My fiance Emmett Forrest is the best thing is the world to me. He always wants what is best for me. Even though it can be old, one time he made me stay at his apartment my first year at Harvard until I finished my paper that was due five days later. I love him a lot, even so much that I proposed to him at Graduation in the spring. He is sorta mad at me because he was going to do it that night but I beat him to it. Emmett and I have big plans for once I get my results from the Massachusetts Bar testing this week. We plan to open our very own law-firm, "Woods and Forrest". Even though I am going to be a Forrest eventually there is a nice ring to Woods and Forrest. This is my story after Graduation so please enjoy it...

"Elle sweetie, where are you," my sweet fiance Emmett shouts after walking into our apartment after a long day at Harvard. He use to teach Criminal Law but he moved to a different class, don't ask me I have no clue what it is since I took it my first year.

"I'm in the bedroom," I yelled back at him. He walks up behind me I can smell his cologne as he comes into the room. I pretend though that I don't see him or hear. He notices this and then moves to place his hands on my hips slowly moving down my outfit I had on. 

"Someone is excited to be home" I said slowly turning around to face him. He looked like he had a rough day. His hair was messed up, his shirt had lost the tie, the top two buttons had been undone, and he had major MAJOR dark circles around his eyes.

"Trust me, being anywhere but the school will make me happy but being here with you makes me even more happy" he said staring into my eyes and slowly moving his hands up and down my side. I step closer to him closing any gap possible between him and I stared at him long and hard waiting for him to make the next move.

Emmett notices this and removes one hand from my side up to my face tilting it up towards his and kisses me. It wasn't something long but it was something sweet. He pulls back a second to move the laundry from off the bed into the basket and then drags me to the bed. He lays me on me but not to where he is squishing me, more of trapping me so that I can't move. 

"What are you doing Mr. Forrest?" I ask him trying not to laugh.

"Well Little Miss Woods comma Elle... I am about to show this smokin' hot woman what I can do" he says smirking at me.

"I wonder who the lucky lady is" I said smirking back at him. That was his cue I guess, he started to lower himself onto me and he started to kiss me. This time with wayyyyy more passion. He then left my lips and moved to my neck nibbling on it as he held himself up. Then he stops all of sudden and he looks at me.

"Elle sweetie do you want to this" he said with a full heart of concern for me.

"Emmett, how many times have I told you, yes it is okay. I want this. I know you are always scared of hurting me but you never do" I replied with a reassuring kiss. 

Emmett then stood up for a moment to remove his clothing while I removed mine and moved back into my spot in a seductive position to catch his eye. Which it did because he stood there for a long time trying to gather his thoughts like he always does. I sit there and chuckle at him. He then comes over to me and our long evening begins. I'll save you the details for now...

After we finished we just laid there on top of each other like nothing in the world mattered more than each other, but that was all destroyed when we heard loud knocking at our door. I hurried and threw on some light clothing and my jacket that was sitting by the door and hurried to unlock the door. There stood the mail man with a very big yellow envelope. He handed it to me and then left. It was from the State and it was addressed to me. This had to be my results from the Bar testing. I hurriedly opened it before Emmett was even out of our room.

This is what it said;

Dear Miss Elle Woods,

We are proud to say that you have passed you Bar test with high colors. We have not seen test scores like this is a long time. Inside this envelope includes your license. Best of luck in the law world.

"Elle what is that" Emmett asks as I stare into space.

"Is that building still opened across the street" I asked him looking hopeful.

"Yes it is, but why are you asking you haven't gotten your results back unless..." he stops himself short walks up to me and takes the papers away from me.

"You did it baby!!!!" he said putting down the paperwork and picking me up. 

"We should make an offer on that place and start our law-firm" I said looking at him.

"We can do that tomorrow, tonight we celebrate" he said dragging me into the room.

AN: Hey guys sorry it has been so long high school is rough but I have been able to start this whole story so please enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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