It just happened

660 37 4

Hueningkai was going back to the campus he forgot his phone in the canteen. When hueningkai arrived he asked the older woman if she saw an iPhone phone. The older woman gave him the phone and hueningkai said thank you to her. Hueningkai was about to go back but He saw Leedo coming from him.


Leedo called his name but hueningkai didn't reply. He walks past leedo but he grabs his hand. Hueningkai looked at him and pulled his hand off of him.

"Are you still mad at me?"-Leedo

Leedo asks hueningkai but hueningkai just pretends that he didn't hear anything.

"Hueningkai, Im asking you! Are you mad at me?"-Leedo

"Yeah! Im is mad at you! That's what you want to hear right? Now leave me alone!"-Hueningkai

Hueningkai was about to walk away but leedo hold his hand again. Hueningkai pulled his hand away from leedo again but leedo hold it tight never letting go.

"Look. Im sorry, I didn't mean to say that to you, I know your hurt but let me apologize to you. Please let's be friends again! I promise I never do it again"-Leedo

Hueningkai signs and looks again at leedo. Leedo was acting cute at him and waiting for hueningkai's answer. Hueningkai didn't think twice and just accept leedo's apology.

"Thank you hueningkai"-Leedo

"There's someone you didn't apologize yet"-Hueningkai


"The man in the restaurant yesterday, If you didn"t apologize to him. I will not forgive you"-Hueningkai

"But we are rich we should not be friends with them!"-Leedo

"I know but I think poor people are nice too. Not all rich people dont like them. Soobin is my friend. My first friend I want you to say sorry to him"-Hueningkai

Leedo sign and said 'Fine' to hueningkai, Hueningkai was happy that leedo would say sorry to soobin. Hueningkai wants to see soobin tomorrow he dont know why he's happy when he sees soobin beside him.

"Are you not coming with me?"-Leedo

"Ah! no. I have to go home now, I have homework to do. bye!"-Hueningkai

Hueningkai waved to leedo and say goodbye. Leedo waved back and said 'be careful' hueningkai smiled and go to his car. He drives and goes back to his home.

{Soobin side}

Soobin was doing some homework while seoho was watching some 'porn' on his computer. Soobin was getting angry he stood up and hit seoho in the head.

"Would you please go outside.                                                                            Your disturbing me"-Soobin

"Why? The volume is low why would disturb you?"-Seoho

"Don't we have homework to do? Why wouldn't you do it?"-Soobin

"I gonna copy your answer"-Seoho

"You idiot, Do your homework I would not be allowed you to  copy mine okay?!"-Soobin

Soobin said and sit on his bed and look at his laptop. Seoho stops the video and sits beside soobin and does his homework.

"Why are you sitting beside me?"-Soobin

"Gonna copy your answer's"-Seoho

"You asshole!"-Soobin

Before soobin would kick seoho away. Seoho quickly stands up and sits it's his bed.

"Okay. Fine I'm gonna do my own"-Seoho

Soobin rolled his eyes and look again at his laptop.

"By the way soobin-shi, Why did you leave me in the room sleeping in there?"-Seoho

"I want to leave you without waking you up"-Soobin

"Soobin-shi, I called Taehyunie and he said the whole conversation that you talk about. Who's hueningkai by the way?"-Seoho

"His my friend"-Soobin

"Your friend? Taehyunie said you're in love with him?"-Seoho

"I don't know"-Soobin

"Taehyunie said, You are very angry when you saw hueningkai was bullied by someone why did you do it?"-Seoho.

"I dont know. It just happened when I meet hueningkai. I was happy that I meet him and I want to see hueningkai every day it makes me very happy"-soobin

"Taehyunie said---"-Seoho

"The other question is tomorrow okay? Your still disturbing me"-Soobin

"Okay fine! But taehyunie said that---"-Seoho

Soobin looked to seoho seriously and seoho stop talking and do his homework. Soobin just sign and do his homework again...




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