Chapter Seven Just Breathe

Start from the beginning

“And this is Kiera. My best friend.”

“It’s nice to meet the both of you.” I tell them

“You too, you left quite an impression with lil Symphony over here.” Kiera, the short blond with big blue eyes says

Which only makes Symphony blush. The bell rings, making Kiera and River leave. “Do uh, do you two need help finding your first class?” Symphony asks us

“Um, I have P.E. first and the lady already showed me the gym, so I’m good. But Eros-he’s really slow and probably needs help.” Emmett tells Symphony

I shove him hard. “You don’t wanna be late now do you, Mika?” I say as I eye him carefully

“Nope, never on my first day. See you two later then.” Emmett says as he walks away

I laugh and hand Symphony my schedule. “Oh! Well that’s easy. You have Ms. Davis first. She’s right next to my class.” Symphony says

“Do we have any classes together?” I ask her

She scans the yellow piece of paper. “Yeah, ceramics, Ms. Love third period and Mr. Callaway-English fifth period.” She tells me

“That’s good.” I say with a smile on my face

“Yeah, and our next classes are right across the hall from each other so when the bell rings just wait outside for me.”

She leads me to my class and points at the door. “Well that’s it.” She says

I take her hand and kiss it. “Thank you once again.” I tell her

“Any time. Well, I-I’ll see you second period.” She stutters

“All right.”

She smiles and walks into her own classroom. I walk into mine and see everyone staring at me. “Can I help you?” The woman with caramel colored skin and dark brown hair that she has pinned up in perfection

She has to be in her late twenties. “Hi, um I’m Eros Tribianni. It’s my first day.” I tell the teacher

“Oh, that’s right. Well welcome to Pre Calculus Mr. Tribianni.” She tells me as she walks over to me

The whole class just stares at me. I hand the teacher my schedule. “You can have a seat next to Mr. Carson.” Ms. Davis tells me

I see Symphony’s friend, River. I take a seat next to him and class begins.

Melody’s POV

“Hey! Pool girl!” I hear someone call

I turn around to see Clark. “What the hell?” I hiss

“Hey. I didn’t know you went to school here.” He says as he walks over to me

“I just started today.”

“Oh, cool. Who do you have next?”

“Does it matter?”

“I dunno. Maybe if it’s close to my class I could walk you.”

“No, thanks.”

“Aw, come on.”

“What part of “no” don’t boys understand?”

“I just..I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be rude.”

I look at him. He has puppy dog eyes. “Oh, fine. I guess you can walk me to my next class.” I sigh

He smiles this ridiculous grin and asks “What is it?”

“I have Mr. Cabot-Biology.” I tell him

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