He wasn't stupid enough to commit a crime as serious as this and not immediately cover it up. That's what he did best, he got the job done before anybody could ask any questions and disappeared like a ghost. 

"Multiple casualties, many of whom were highly trained agents..." The news woman accused, digging Deckard into a deeper hole as time went by. Just as Isabella found the appropriate contact in her phone, she stopped, lifting her head straight ahead of her. 

In the reflection of the grand, glass light fixture just above her head, Isabella could make out an unusual movement in the lake. The normally tranquil water moved with slightly more volatile waves, and noticeable bubbles rose singularly to the surface. 

Any normal person wouldn't take any notice of the signs; there was barely anything strange to take into account. Nonetheless, Isabella Ford wasn't normal, she had grown up with the Shaw's and she could tell that somebody was definitely hiding in the lake. 

In an effort to remain unsuspicious, she softly placed the phone back on the counter and took a breath. Now Isabella wished she had stretched this morning, because she knew a fight was immanent. Fortunately, with her blonde waves of hair tied up neatly in a ponytail, she could get a higher level of vision without turning her head which would inevitably cause speculation. 

As if continuing with whatever people often do on an ordinary morning, Isabella leant across the worktop to grab a banana from the fruit bowl, quickly pressing a button underneath the wide island as she did so. 

With a silent vibration, a deep draw of weapons emerged beside her legs that nobody would be able to spot from the lake. Smoothly opening her banana with one hand, Isabella took a bite as her other hand slid two guns into the tight hem of her black jeans, followed by spare rounds and a knife. After that was in place, she bent down slightly, picking up a burner phone with the only four numbers she'd ever need safely typed on it. 

After she had finished her banana, Isabella sneakily used her foot to push the draw in, hearing it lock with a slight click. Keeping her eyes straight ahead of her, she strolled over to the bin which stood beside the large wall of glass which was the only thing between her and the agents outside. 

Taking a deep breath, Isabella dropped the skin into the rubbish, "Three..." She whispered as she closed the bin, "Two," Her back twisted towards the lake, "One..." 

Isabella dived behind the island immediately as the wall of glass shattered into millions of tiny shards. Three huge gas cannisters had caused the breakage and they smashed to the floor with a deafening bang. Almost instantaneously, the shooting began and orders were shouted at the agents who began to invade the house. 

 Isabella risked a look, lifting up her gun as she did so, shooting one agent straight in the face and another in the leg. "One dead, one injured, six left." She muttered reassuringly to herself as she heard the injured man groan in agony. 

"Go round both sides!" One man screamed authoritatively as Isabella rolled out of the way of the multiple rounds of bullets that were aimed straight at her. She had to think quickly, or else she'd be buried in a grave much earlier than she wished to be. 

Looking up under the island, Isabella smiled when she saw a grenade stuck to the underside of the worktop and grabbed it hurriedly. Owen and Deckard helping her set up the house did have some perks. Jumping up, she chucked the grenade towards three men on the right hand side, holding her gun up to the left. 

Fortunately, she hit one straight on, killing him instantly. Just before the grenade went off, Isabella grabbed his body before it fell limp, shielding her from the debris that was sent flying across her once lovely kitchen. The three men on the other side also went shooting across the kitchen with the pure force from the grenade. 

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