snowfall. | eugene roe

Start from the beginning

He shook his head, pushing it towards you, "You need it more, Y/L/N." You scrunched your nose at your last name, shaking your head.

"It's been years, Eugene. When will you ever call me Y/N?"

He shrugged, standing abruptly. "Finish your food alright? Get lots of water and try your best to stay warm," he reminded you, holding on to your shoulder, "I'll check on you again later."

Eugene was worried again, as he always was.


That night, you were seated in your foxhole, your knees pressed against your chest. You cursed at how cold it was at night, and promised yourself the next time you ever decide to step into Belgium, it would be with a fur coat.

Hearing footsteps above you, you flinched, gripping the rifle beside you. Eugene peeked in from above, seeing your terrified eyes, and gently shook his head, "Y/N, it's me. It's Eugene."

You calmed down, your eyes still wide. Facing back down towards the other side of your hole, you promised yourself again that the next time you'd be underground would be when that fateful day came. Shaking your head quickly, you removed all thoughts of death from your mind.

"You okay, Y/L/N?" Eugene asked, concerned. He gently put an arm around you and held on, trying to stop your shivering. "We need to get you another coat," he mumbled, rubbing your arm gently. You turned to look at him, your bottom lip quivering.

"Why do you keep doing this?" you asked, moving away from him slightly. He didn't understand what you were asking right away, and turned to face you with his head tilted. "Sometimes I think I know what you're thinking about, but then other times I don't. You refuse to let me in."

Eugene sighed, pulling back his arm and leaning back down. He stared down at his hands, blood crusting under his fingernails. He was closing in front of you again, and you fought every part of yourself that wanted to beg him to say something.

You shook your head, turned, and tried to sleep it away. Eugene took off his coat and put it over you.


It was colder today, the bloody snow turning white. You shivered, gripping your rifle tighter. Your streps leaving foot prints in the sand, you crouched, bringing a finger to your lips. You heard a twig snap. The patrol behind you bent over as well, crouching towards you.

One, two, three. Nothing. You spotted a fox dashing across the snow. Exhaling sharply, you stood once more to guide the men when shots rang out. A shower of bullets fell upon you and your men, and everyone went down, gripping their helmets and moving away from the line of fire.

"We gotta pull back," you yelled from over the shots, "Let's get the hell out of here!"

The men scrambled to pick up their guns and ran, you shouting at them to hurry.


Concealed by a fallen tree, you stared off at the line, your eyes focusing and unfocusing. The attack earlier terrified you more than it should've, as you've gone through a lot worse. But now you were left shaken and aloof.

The men were all fine, you could hear Don and Babe bantering about something behind you. Some of them were even singing Christmas hymns. You realized it was almost Christmas, your jaw tightening.

"Y/L/N?" you heard someone call for you, and you looked up to see Eugene, crouched by the tree. "You okay, Y/N?"

You grunted in response— You had ignored him since the night you asked him to let you in, but he still always came back to check if you were okay. You scowled at him, but made space for him beside you anyway. "So I really had to ignore you for days just to get you to call me by my first name," you said sarcastically, nudging him with the butt of your rifle, "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to check if you were okay," he mumbled, rubbing his arm where you nudged him, "And I wanted to explain myself."

"Okay then," you said, turning to face him, "Explain."

"I think I'm in love with you, Y/N."

Your cheeks turned red, and Eugene being himself, so predictable, he took off his coat like he did so often, and wrapped it around you. "I worry about you a lot," he continued, rubbing his arms to keep warm, "And whenever I'm around you, I have a hard time focusing. And I worry someone might need me, and I'll be too entranced by you that I don't hear them."

You furrowed your eyebrows and put your arms around him, trying to keep him warm, but also trying to hold him close to you. "We're getting out of here," you whispered against his cheek, tightening your arms, and Eugene stiffened under your touch before resting on you.

Eugene fell asleep on your shoulder, the first time he slept in probably ages.

"I think I'm in love with you too," you said to no one in particular. You liked to believe he heard it, "And I'm going to make sure we get out of here."

The snow started falling.


a/n: ahh this wasn't a specific request, except for a roe x male reader. so i made it based on what had happened in episode 6, except instead of babe, it's you!

i hope you like it, and thank you so much for reading. 

with love, 


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