Chapter 11

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Opening her eyes, Raven felt someone was holding her until she looked up, seeing Dexter before her. Her eyes went huge as everything that just happened and hoping that nothing went wrong. 

"What happened!!? Is everyone alright? I-"

"Raven its alright...calm down we are all fine I promise you."

Raven looked around, seeing that she wasn't in the sky anymore but in the charming castle within one of the guest bedrooms. 

"The last thing I remember is capturing my mother with merging my magic with the booking glass."

"Which took the magic out of you of course."

Walking from behind Dexter was Headmaster Grimm, who had a broken booking glass in his hands. Seeing this horror, Raven gasped seeing the mirror all shattered into pieces. 

"I-Is she.."

"No Ms. Queen she didn't die. Since your mother was captured before the booking glass shattered, she is now in the Mirror Realm where she can't get out as far as we know."

Raven felt a sense of relief off of her chest as she knew her mother was in a place where she could no longer harm anyone. As she searched around the room much clearly, she then saw Cerise, Sparrow, Hunter, Darling, Daring, King & Queen Charming, and someone else she didn't recognize. She looked very carefully at the unknown person in the room until Dexter got the attention back to him.

"Raven, are you ok?"

Raven turned her attention back to Dexter as he looked concerned. Raven kept wondering who that person was. 

"Who's that person over there?'

Everyone turned their attention back to the middle aged man with a silver crown and a royal suit of blue, gold, silver and purple combined into his coloring of his blue bell eyes. He took closer steps to Raven who let curiosity get the best of herself. The man looked at Raven, examining her a bit more with the lighting's help.

"Are you Raven Queen...?"

"Yes I am Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen. Why?"

Everyone stayed silent until the man spoke again. 

"Then I was right..."


Everyone in the room got themselves curious too until Dexter walked over, still concern for Raven's health of what she was about to hear. The man smiled, overcoming with joy around him.

"I am The Good King, ruler of the Dark Kingdom and husband to the Evil Queen."

Raven felt like a dagger went inside her as her world came to a sudden stop. She took a second to register who she was really and found her father standing before her. 


"Yes Raven I'm your father. I-I didn't know your mom had you on the island after all these years.."

"Yeah I guess least I know I'm not alone."

She got up with watching her steps and quickly gave her dad a hug for the first time. The Good King hugged Raven back, finding his only child forever after. They hugged for a second until Queen Charming interrupted. 

"Sorry for interrupting Thomas but if I'm hearing correctly, if Raven is your daughter then would make her a royal?"

Cerise, Sparrow and Hunter were afraid of losing Raven to being a royal than a rebel as they've grown to be. Dexter looked confused until he put the puzzle together. Darling and Daring were thinking of how the other royals were gonna take this. Everyone was thinking of different thoughts until The Good King spoke up.

"Well my daughter is yes a royal but since she grew with her mother as a rebel, I think she's meant to be royal and a rebel in one, right Raven?

With an instance, all eyes turned to Raven who felt anxious and nervous. Queen Charming noticed Raven was thinking very hard about it. She walked over and held the child close, sitting her down at the window.

"Raven...I know all of this may sudden to you but know that whatever side you choose you will always be full of spellbinding good in you. I can feel it." 

"Thank you your majesty."

"And I'm guessing my son was gonna tell me that you were his official girlfriend before all of this happened?"

"Oh u-um..."

Raven blushed, nodding her head in her response. Queen Charming smiled, knowing she was a keeper for her son. With Dexter walking over, he grabbed Raven's hands and escorted her over between his father and her father as well. 

"Dad...The Good King...Raven and I have been dating for a while now but I want to know if you would approve of us? I love Raven as she loves me for me. I've never felt this way of a girl making me feel complete. Raven Queen is the missing piece for me and I wish to make her my queen someday."

Raven stepped in with her voice of opinion.

"Dexter is such a strong man but with a gentle man. He's made me felt like I actually belong somewhere without trying to be someone I'm not. Dexter brought the light to my darkness when I most needed it. Dad....King Charming...would you accept us for us?"

Both kings turned to face each other and read each other's faces really quick. With a nodding coming from of both of them, they saw the young couple struck in happiness. By embracing this happiness, Dexter twirled Raven around giving her a gentle kiss. Forgetting about their parents and friends in the room, they heard a cough coming from the Good King. Raven and Dexter blushed as Raven ran over to Cerise, Sparrow and Hunter hugging them with happiness. 

Raven found her happiness in Ever After High by finding her dad, finding true love, meeting new friends and achieving the most of all: finding who she really was meant to be. By not following her destiny of her mom of becoming evil doesn't make her a bad person. It proves that without a doubt she is capable of many good things for the future. Ready or not, Raven Queen is able to defeat the future forever after. 

The End is just the beginning....

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