"Please let me go"

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-The song has nothig to do with the story it's jus a song that i was listening while i was writing this-

Kaminari- Hey Midoriya!!

Deku- Oh Hello Kaminari-kun you need something.

Kaminari- Yeah I was wondering if you would like to "study" with Kirishima and I for the upcoming test in the english class. 

Deku- Of course what time?

Kaminari- How about 7:00pm? 

Deku- That shold be fine yeah i'll be there  

Kaminari- Ok cool see you later Midoriya

Deku- Goodbye Kaminari-kun

*With Todoroki* 

Todoroki- Ugh where is Midoriya*Sees Kaminari walk by*

Todoroki- Hey Kaminari

Kaminari-Oh hey Todoroki you need somethin'

Todoroki- Yes have you seen Midoriya around here somewhere

Kaminari- Yeah he's talking with Ida over there

Todoroki- Thanks see you around

Kaminari- Yeah no*Todoroki rushes pats Kaminari*...problem

                                   With Deku

Deku- Yeah ok see you, Bye Ida

Ida- Ok Bye

*Todoroki finally reaching to where Deku was*

Todorokoi- Midoriya!!!

Deku- Ekk O-oh hey To-todoroki-Kun


Deku- W-with Kaminari-Kun

Todoroki- And what were you two doing

Deku- No-nothing

Todoroki- Fine since you refuse to tell me how about we go to my dorm

Deku- N-no please no i-i'll listen to you 

Todoroki- You should've answered me the first time, now you pay the consequences

Deku- P-please let go you're h-huting my wrist

Todoroki- Does it look like I care!!

Deku- S-sorry *starts tearing up*

Todoroki- Were here *throws deku on the ground* 

Todoroki starts using his fire to make burn marks on deku's back,He goes to get a knife and carves out his name on his leg and he continues to Abuse him for about one more hour

Todoroki- Have you learned your leason now

Deku- *Trying to speak* Y-yes 

Todoroki- Good now tell me what were you doing with Kaminari

Deku- He w-was just a-asking me if I co-could go study with h-him and kiri-kirishima and I Said i'll be the-there so please let m-me go i-i'll do anything

Todoroki- Fine I have more important things to do likebewithmomo(like be with momo) *says under his breath*

Deku- Did you say something Todoroki-kun

Todoroki- No! now leave before I change my mind

Deku- R-right see you tomorrow

Todoroki- Whatever

*With kiri and kami*

Kirishima- Hey bro you excited

Kaminari- For what??

Kirishima- That Midoriya is coming over

Kaminari- Oh right i forgot but yeah i am

Kirishima- What will you do without me i swear to god even a rock is smarter than you

Kaminari- Hey!!!

Kirishima-*Giggles* sorry babe

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