"Confession pt.1"

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                On the way out of the doorms

Uraraka: Hey guys look it's the cheater and his "Friends"

Ida: Midoriya-kun please get out quickly and you as well Kaminari-kun and Kirishima-Kun

Mina: Hey, Get out of here losers

Momo: Oh my god they even have the guts to show their face here.

Tsu: it's ok momo *Ribbit*

Kaminari and Izuku looked away from everyone trying their best to ignore their mean comments they were saying

Kiri: Hey dont listen to them ok guys let's just go *smiles in a reassuring manner*

Kaminari and Midoriya nod slowly

Todo: *pulls deku to a side so no one notices him talking with deku*

Todo: I told you i would have everyone turn against you

Deku:*In shock and horror but faintly shouts* Just tell me what do you want from me!!!

Todoroki slaps deku

Todo: *whispers*Dont Be So Loud Idiot!

Deku: S-sorry

Todo: I just want to make your life a living hell this would have never happened Izuku i mean Deku

With Kami and Kiri

Kami: Where did Midorya go?

Kiri: I don't know, was he not behind you a moment ago?

Kami: Yeah he was...

Kiri: Shall we go look for him? Maybe he is still in the living room.

Kami: yeah thats a good idea

Back with Todoroki and Deku

Deku: You know wh-what Todoroki i-i wont let you do this to me no more!, i will find a way to make everyone believe me.

Todo: With what help? Yourself. Dont make me laugh, no one will believe you for as long as I live.

Deku just walks away in doubt and silence

As Midoriya is walking away he encounters Kaminari and KIrishima

Kiri: Hey MIdoriya where did you go of to?

Deku: I just um... forgot something back at a table, yeah...

Kami: Oh, Are you sure?

Deku: Y-yeah don't worry a-about it.

Kiri: Ok well let's go and get this day over with because me and kaminari have a surprise just for you Midoriya!

Kami: We do?

Kirishima playfully punches Kaminari on his arm

Kami: O-oh R-right yeah never mind hehe

Once they finaly reach outside of the doorm they find Mr.Aizawa

Aizawa: Oh,Hello you three

Deku: Hello... Mr.Aizawa

Aizawa: I see that Eri is not with you?

Kiri: Yes sir, she is in Midoriya's dorm sleeping

Kami: Yeah, we were just going out for a while

Aizawa: Alright, Midoriya i'll be taking Eri back with me. Do you mind if i enter in your dorm?

Deku: Oh, ok that's fine.

Aizawa: Alright i'll leave you guys now.

Kamikiri: Ok c:

Aizawa: Bye, and thank you for taking care of Eri.

Aizawa is now in his own room with Eri within the class 1-A Dorms

Kiri: Ok we're here!!

Kamideku: Whoa!!!!

Deku: Where did you find a park this isolated and beautiful!

Kiri: I just saw it when I was taking a longer route to my house.

Kami: Hmm Kiri can we talk over here

Kiri: ok? Midoriya would you mind staying here me and Kami are just going to talk over here.

Deku: ok this gives me time to explore the beautiful park.

With Kirishima and Kaminari

Kiri: Is something wrong Kami?

Kami: it's not that there's something wrong but rather I'm just feeling really nervous again..

Kiri: It's all going to be alright, if the worst happens you'll at least always have me in the end.

Kami: Your right Kiri, Love you...

Kiri: I love you, too.

Kami: Anyways, we should get back with Midoriya.

Kiri: Yeah..

As they made their way back to regroup with Deku, they hold each others hands the entire way back. ( which was not that far)

With this chapter
Such a long time has passed by
Since the last update
We apologize and hope you enjoy this short part
The next one will be filled with even more cringe fluff
Get ready to wait another long while
Have a good day/night
-Yukishima and Kyosuke

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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