Movie Nigth (America x Japan)

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Word count: 681
Posted: July 4th 2020
(sorry for any spelling mistakes)
Japan was staying with America and was right now standing in front of America's door waiting for the bubbly blonde to open the door, when he knocked on the door again it wasn't long before it was flying open "Hey Dude! Come on in" America said a little to loud as usual "Uh, Hello Mr America" Japan said walking into the apartment "How many times do I need to tell you, you don't need to call me that" America closed the door walking over and sitting on the couch picking up a controller he unpaused his game.

Japan took off his shoes sitting them by the front door, he walked over to America and set down next to him "What are you playing?" Japan asked looking at the TV

"Modern Warfare" America said eyes not looking away from the TV "After this game me and you can do something" America looking over at Japan a second then back at the TV, Japan jus nodded and watched the TV.

Once America was done with the game he turned off the console, laying down on the couch "So what you wanna to do?" America looked over at Japan. "I don't know, I'm still kind of tired from the plan ride actually" Japan said laying his head on the back of the couch closing his eyes.

"If you wanna sleep some you can" America smiled up at Japan eve he couldn't see it. "But I just got h-here I can't just sleep" Japan said looking over at America, "Well do you want to watch movies then? It's getting late anyway." America asked sitting up and walking over to a shelf with a bunch of movies on it.

"Sure, what are we gonna watch?" Japan asked, "How about a horror movie!" America said grabbing some random movie off the shelf, "But aren't you scared of horror movies?" Japan looked confused but wasn't gonna say no, he actually kind of wants to because he wants to be close to America but he just doesn't know how to say it so this gives him a excuse to be close to him, even if America is screaming in is ear.

"Yeah, Yeah I can at least handle watching one" America said putting the movie the player and starting it, he walked back to the couch and grabbed a pillow.
Japan laced into the couch getting comfortable.

The was only 20 minutes in and America was already hugging Japan for dear life "America are you sure you don't want to turn it off?" Japan asked looking at the blond hair next to his neck as best he could. "No I'm not scared I can finish it" America said trying to sound brave but failing, he looked back up at the TV from Japan's neck and then screamed "AAAHHHH HE JUST GOT HIS ARM CUT OFF! BY THAT MONSTER, GHOST WHATEVER IT IS THING" America then buried his head back in Japan's neck.

'Why did he want to watch this again?" Japan asked himself. He put his hand on top of America's head stroking his hair, to try and calm him down some.

The movie was only a hour something and by the time it ended somehow America had fell asleep while Japan was playing with his hair, to say the least Japan was surprised that America had somehow fallen asleep watching a horror movie.

"America" Japan poked America on the cheek "America you should go to your room if you're going to sleep" Japan continued poking America.
"Come on Keeks, I'm comfy" America said sitting up.

America looked at Japan and the next Japan knew he was laying on his back with America laying on top of him.
"Al-Alfred!?" Japans face turned bright red. "I'm gonna go back sleep ok" America said yawning, laying his head on Japan chest and falling back asleep almost instantly.

Japan was trying to clam down his heart, after about ten minutes he found himself laying his arms on America's back and falling asleep and Japan couldn't be happier at that moment.

Ok so kind of late but still on the 4th even if it's almost 12am, but Happy Birthday Alfred!

This book is just gonna have a bunch of random oneshots in it and feel free to suggest ships.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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