He clearly know that what he did....it's unforgivable......he just looked at one last time to his wife and about to leave........."And don't think that.....someone is going to save you........you are finished zhujiu......i will tell everything to your first wife........she should have know what you actually are........" she shout and slammed the door shut on his face.

Zhujiu felt that his whole life is being destroy withing a seconds. He walked out sadly from the house and sigh heavily.........

"How is the feelings now.......?" a sudden voice came and zhujiu looked up next to him.....It's yunlan....who is standing there near his car.....Yunlan smirk angrily and walked near zhujiu......"If you didn't help us to protect my babies and wei.....I swear.....i definitely killed you right now.......without a blink....." yunlan said gritting his teeth........

Zhujiu just sadly looked at yunlan.......he have nothing left now....his work, his wife and reputation all spoiled just because he choose the wrong side and did terrible things that he shouldn't do....

"Mr. zhujiu.....you are under arrest for doing harmful act to hurt some innocent people......" yunlan said handcuffing zhujiu........

Zhujiu didn't protest to said anything to yunlan.....he just looked back at the house...."You told her.....?" zhujiu asked. "She has the rights to know about her husband doing......" yunlan said and pushed him inside the car.....

Zhujiu got 10 years jail sentenced and for chu he have to live there for the rest of his life alone in the cage..........Yunlan make sure of that..they will stay there alone so that they can feel the pain they wanted to give his wei and to him.........

At evening time after chu and zhujiu got the punishment yunlan came to meet chu before that he will get transferred from there......

"Why are you here......?" chu asked sitting at the corner of the cell crossing his legs together....like he is afraid of light right now. Yunlan sign the guard to open the cell and he entered inside the cell..........

"Afraid of light now..........?" yunlan asked. Chu didn't response at all and just looked at yunlan. "You had your chance......why didn't you kill me........?" chu asked. "You know the answer chu......." yunlan said sitting on the chair which the guard placed there....for yunlan.

"How could you love me when i try to hurt your mate and your unborn baby......?" chu asked. "I always love you.....daqing and you are my everything after mom died.....i never think that one day you will do something horrible............" yunlan said.

Chu avert his eyes......"You always had everything you want.....always......." chu said. "Yes....because my everything is my brothers....." yunlan said and chu couldn't stop his tears....he cry silently not looking at yunlan.

"I risk everything for you chu....even after you did all this......my inner soul really wanted to tear you apart but my heart.....my heart always said that you can stop this.....you can walk back to me.....but you didn't came chu.....you never realized what you did.......you try to hurt my mate.......you try to kill someone........." yunlan growl angrily....

chu stood up and walked closer to yunlan..."Now is your chance........come on.....tear me apart....kill me as you want....."chu said. But yunlan just smirk....."No...i won't.......you will live like this......you will feel every single time what yo have done..........and.....(slapping him hard).....this is for touching my wei..........(punching him on his stomach multiple time non stop...until his mouth bleed) this is for my babies..........." yunlan said.

Chu chuckled painfully....."You are the worst alpha i have ever seen.....you don't deserve him...." chu said to make yunlan angry...but all he got another loud slap making him loose his three front teeth......

"Do whatever you wanna do.....i won't kill you........." yunlan said as he walked out wiping his hand which is heating up due to hitting chu.......guard locked the door......after yunlan walked out from there......

"kill me....please....kill me ge......i beg you....don't leave me alone.....kill me....kill me...." chu shout as yunlan just silently walked out from there.....he grit his teeth and went out..........

"are you okay chief........?" wang asked giving yunlan water to drink. Yunlan sadly nod......."you did...what you can.....you try everything to save everyone........." wang said. "that's my fault.....i can't protect everyone wang......and i almost....." yunlan stopped feeling so much pain his heart.

"No body is judging you chief......we all know you can protect your mate and your families......" wang said rubbing yunlan shoulder gently. Yunlan gave a faint smile to wang....

"now go home....get some sleep...tomorrow is your wedding day....don't you dare to get dark circles........" wang said pushing yunlan out....and yunlan chuckled..... 

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