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I have changed their parents quirk, so inko will have advanced sight and hisashi will have muscle regeneration. Izuku gets the illusion quirk from his grandmother.

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Quirk: Superior eyes

Description: his eyes allow him to sense danger and partially see his oppositions moves before they happen. He can also create illusions of himself if the person looks directly into his eyes and he wills for it. The illusions cant do damage but inadvertently make the opponent not trust their senses.

His eyes look exactly like the picture above, however his  suit will be just a skin tight black body suit with heat resistance.

Name: Emilia Midoriya

Quirk: Hyper-regeneration

Description: This quirk gives her insanely fast regeneration but she cannot regenerate others. She regenerates at the same way as the high-end nomu's so as long as her head doesnt get destroyed completely she will be fine... she can survive a gun to the head but if her head is destroyed like hood's it wont regenerate.

 she can survive a gun to the head but if her head is destroyed like hood's it wont regenerate

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This is her in her hero costume. 

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