Chapter 2: "The higher you climb, the lonelier it gets"

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"It's a Saturday morning, Chanyeol-Ah" Luhan rubbed his eyes as he trudged into the living room, watching his roommate tying his shoes, "Where are you going?"

"Talked to Sehun briefly yesterday but we got cut off because he had to run to his next schedule, so he invited me over for breakfast so we can continue."

"Imagine your future boss being so nice; pretty sure mine doesn't even know my name," Luhan stifled a yawn. "Well, good luck then."

"Wait, Luhan"


"How do I look?"

Luhan's eyes widened, "You've never asked me that."

"Please, he's a fashion model and this is close to the fanciest thing I have, just don't want him to think I wouldn't fit into his world." Chanyeol mumbled, running his fingers through his hair one last time.

Luhan took in the sight of the button down and black slacks, probably from back when Chanyeol had worked at an office. The material strained over some of his newly gained muscles on his arms and legs, but if the job was to be a bodyguard, Luhan thought it spoke for itself.

"You look fine, Chan. He's the one on the runway remember? Do you want to impress him or something?" Luhan wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.

Chanyeol looked away briefly, "Guess I've just been unnecessarily skeptical of him, rude even. He seems like a decent guy and he's offering me a way out of a hole I never thought I'd leave."

Luhan came forward to hug his friend assuredly. "Your heart's in the right place Chan, he'll see that. Bring him a pastry or something nice from Magnolia Bakery, it'll be a good gesture."

Half an hour later, Chanyeol found himself scanning the glass shelves at the store for anything he could afford with whatever loose change remained in his pocket. He decided on a chocolate cupcake with whipped frosting. .


"Come in," Sehun's voice called from inside the apartment. Of course Sehun lived in a penthouse in the Upper East Side that had a beautiful view of the sun rising over the City. Chanyeol's mouth fell open at how vast the space was, easily three or four times the size of his and Luhan's.

Today, Sehun was dressed down. Well, as dressed down as a model could be. He had on an oversized white sweater and a pair of skinny blue jeans. Without his hair styled and gelled, it hung over his forehead in wavy locks, he looked much younger this way, Chanyeol thought.

"Mr Park, I am a little surprised you actually showed up. What, with you convinced I was an ax murderer and everything?" He uncrossed his arms to reach for a cup of tea resting on a side table.

Chanyeol wasn't sure how long he'd been staring at the model, but upon realizing it he immediately distracted himself by unwrapping the cupcake and placing it next to where Sehun stood.

"What's this?"

"Just something small I picked up on the way here. I saw you liked chocolate the other day at the store so I—"

He cut himself off as he saw Sehun clap excitedly at the sight of the treat. Very much like a sweets deprived kid in a candy store.

"You're so thoughtful, my future bodyguard. Let me get us plates and prepare a tea for you too. Have a seat in the balcony," he gestured towards a glass sliding door that gave way to the outer seating area.

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