"Ms. Keisha, Ms. Kesha?" Both females did a dramatic gasp,

"Oh my motherfucking god!"

kayla said as she and jordyn began fake crying "She motherfucking dEaD!"

They both stopped crying and began laughing, while Elijah just sighed in disappointment.

"This is why I live far away."

All three began walking away from the dead demon.

"I killed the demon by the way"
Kayla and Elijah nodded.


"Your afraid of the ocean?!" Everyone else was at the master ubuyashiki's mansion, its been a week since they found Giyuu and Zenitsu.

Since the trio weren't technically apart of the hunt the made there way to the Master Ubuyashiki.

"Yea, do you know what is in the ocean?! fucking um- Jellyfish, Sharks, big ass fish, currents that can pull me underwater and kill me!"

Jordyn kept on rambling about how scared she is at the ocean and whats in it and didn't even realise they where at the Demon slayer headquarters.

Once jordyn notice she ran into the building and the other two slowly followed.


"GIYUU I MISSED YOU!!" Jordyn and Giyuu where hugging the hell out of each other.

They where both crying while everyone else just hugged Zenitsu and talked.

*2 year skip*

After everyone calmed down they had a party.

They all eat their food and drank, even though most of them are underage. All you could hear was slurred words, tears , and fan girl screeching.


Tanjiro said to Zenitsu, who said it back. Everyone was getting there party on and enjoying life.

Jordyn and Kayla were drinking red wine and reading 'something' special while squealing and having nosebleeds.

The won against Muzan who killed himself. He wanted to kill the strongest pillars, Kayla and Jordyn while they where sleeping.

He went into their house and looked around and found a wide door, it was to the yaoi/yuri library.

Let me tell you that the room is divided into the anime sections.

So when Muzan entered and went to the 'Demon slayer' section and saw all of his fanfics he was so embarrassed and disgusted so he killed himself.

Kayla and Jordyn both won two medals for holding the most yaoi/yuri fanfics in the world, and for technically killing Muzan.


Tanjiro rounded up everyone and was standing on the table.

"I just wanna make a toast,"

Tanjiro looked down at Zenitsu who was smilling at him.

" I want to thank all of you guys for being here for each other. Thank you, Giyuu-san, for teaching everything I know and being here for everyone."

Giyuu smiled.

"Thank you, Sabito-san and Sanemi-san, for being the best pillars you can and helping to kill demons."

Sabito smiled while Sanemi grunted.

"Thank you everyone-"

"*cough cough*"

Everyone looked towards Kayla and Jordyn who where making the noise.

Tanjiro awkwardly chuckled, "and thank you Jordyn-kun and Kayla-san for 'killing' Muzan."

They smiled and went back to reading.
"Thank you everyone for helping with everything."

Everyone clapped and smiled.

The end,
To be continued....

Love (Tanjiro x Zenitsu ) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now